First feeding completed!

Icy now just ate her first thawed fuzzy rat since she been home… on the first attempt !! Really fascinating!:tada:


Don’t you love when you get a good eater!!
Makes me feel so happy I don’t have to worry about them going on strike :sweat_smile:


This is my first time owning a ball python I was nervous in general lol! And out of curiosity… how many times should I feed my juvenile female? Once a week? Or twice a week?


At most once every 7 days. Once it reaches 1-1.5 years old I would slow down to once every 10 days. After 3 years old, only every 10-14 days. They have heroically efficient metabolisms that were not designed for how fatty the European rodents we feed them are.


Is it normal for her to stay in her humidity box right after eating? She been in their all day??


Yep, nothing to worry about.


Ball pythons like to be left alone to digest their food. So hiding is normal.

Congrats on getting Icy to eat, it’s always a worry for me

Do you know Icy’s weight?


I was worried about getting the fuzzy rat up to temp ! & I honestly didn’t even think to ask for her weight from the place I got her from. But here is the picture I took of her the first day I got her!


Very cute snake. If possible I’d suggest to weigh your snake so you can keep s track, just incase Icy stops eating.

But I think 1 per week should be enough


It’s now been 3 going on 4 days since first feeding with ICY. And she still curled up in her humidity box/hide in (warm side). Is this still normal?? I’m concerned about her sitting in their for to long and end up developing skin rot, unless this is normal juvenile behavior?

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What is the temp & humidity of the enclosure?

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Cool side ranges 75-80. The warm side is 80-85 and the hot side is 87-92. But when I try to actually take the temperature of the glass enclosure it’s only reading 77 degrees.

Also I do have to use two above heat sources due to 20 gallon long tank as well with my 1 heat pad underneath the hid in the (hot side)… so the humidity drops down fast that is why I had to add a (humidity box) . I still spray down my enclosure itself twice a day.


Do you know the humidity levels?

I get it to be 60% but it drops fast due to two above heat sources. Usually drops down to 40% humidity but I spray it twice daily.

Your levels seen fine. Ours are around 50-60% with no humid hide, just a hide which they use most of the day and explore at night. We up the humidity when in shed.

Have you tried removing the humid part of the hide temporarily and see if it just likes the hide and put the humid hide back when it’s in next shed?

How many hides does it have?

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I was going to say for the first 4 days I had her I didn’t have no humidity box just her single hide in the hot side…witch she loved never came out besides at night for exploring. I than added a humidity box in the warm side because I noticed the humidity level would drop rapidly.

Do you think she is liking the humidity box way to much ? Than should I take it out once she leaves it and only place it inside when comes time for shedding?

Tbh I’ve never used a humid box so I wouldn’t know for sure, but I think it’s worth a try.

Maybe someone else might be able to help.

What substrate do you use?

Do you have a pic of Icy’s enclosure?

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I use the eco earth coconut fiber substrate and I can take one once I’m off work and post it!

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It’s now been 4 days and ICY is still curled up in her humidity box after she finished her first feeding since being home… should I physically remove her out of the humidity box? … I attached a photo of my enclosure if anyone has any tips please share … thank you! I’m concerned of her being in the humidity box to long and developing skin rot.