First one in the wild found... who's gonna be the first to produce one?

I am so late on this - please forgive me! I have not been incredibly active on here. The animal you mentioned as possibly being albino - to my knowledge it is not. I did find the person who ended up obtaining it, and he is planing on breeding him in the future - so the jury is still out on how that phenotypic expression will translate to offspring. Again, to my knowledge, it is NOT albino.

I love the Lucy stuff - and I am excited to see more of it. We have seen Lucy Tiger for the first time, and it is a white animal with some black speckling something through that would suggest the tiger gene being involved as well. I believe that was Dayton that made it!

There is still so much to learn about this species, and its genetics. I am excited to be diving head first into a lot of it!


Hey Jeremy, nice to hear from you!

Yes, luckily I know Dayton &actually have a very nice ATB from him… we don’t live too far from eachother. I am excited to see what else he comes out with, some of his leopard projects are looking super awesome along with his GCR hypo stuff.

That’s cool that the guy who ended up with that one is interested in breeding with it, hopefully it will produce some cool looking new type offspring. I also am super intrigued by all of the unknowns &dialings in to do with this species, they have been my favourite since I got my first halloween in 6th grade. Crazy to think that was in 1998, damn im getting old. I just got the green light from my girlfriend to start keeping again, my youngest is now old enough to be around “angry arboreals” as she puts it so as soon as I got the a-ok (about 6 months ago) I got 3 breeding pairs right away &dove right back in hahaha. I now already have 2 gravid females since I started collecting right before the breeding season so i’d like to think i’ve still got it.

I also broke down &got an instagram a few months ago that we’ve been commenting back &forth on a little bit, i’m @45thdegreemp3 over there. Anyways glad you finally hit me back on this thread, I hope all is going well with you &i dont hold it against you that I didnt get one of carnage’s babies… not too much anyways.

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