First Time Breeding

Just wanted to post that I weighed my female yesterday and she is 290g. My male is at 65g. Looks like I will be able to pair them up for the first time in a few months. Super excited to have baby hogs.

1:1 Toffeeconda. Hoping to produce a Candy. So excited, guys.


Congratulations! That is awesome!


As another first time breeder this season, that is super exciting! I’ll be pairing my female endnof March probably. She’s still in brumation now.


I opted to not brumate and just changed the light schedule. Good luck @jverz
What morphs are you working with?


My first cross will be an axanthic het albino to a conda het snow. We’re trying to confirm the axanthic in the male. Hes a friends. Next year I’ll be pairing my axanthic het albino (same snake from thisbyears pairing) to my supercinda het snow, Brenton. I’ve got het toffee, albino and arctic also that I’ll be working on once they’re big enough.


I have a 1.1 pair of toffeecondas that are ready this season. I also have a 1.1 pair of arctic condas but they have 2 or so years of growing left to do. I was to get into albino and axanthic as well down the road. We have an expo coming up in April so I’m hoping to do some shopping!

Good luck on your journey, maybe when we both have babies we can swap notes and see if we can improve our processes. Having never bred anything before, I am pretty nervous lol.


Thats would be great! I’ve never bred snakes, however I used to breed rats. Having done that has helped a lot with learning the genetics for hogs. I am excited, and have a couple cool friends who have been breeding for a while to bug too. I’d love to swap tips. Where abouts are you? I’m in SE PA.


I have never bred anything and I don’t have anyone around me who is as into reptiles as I am. I’ve been watching youtube and reading anything I could get my hands on. I am in Western NY. About an hour from Niagara Falls.

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Oh ok! I had a gf who i bred rats with that lived in water town that id visit, and shed visit me. Im happy to talk methods and what worns and didnt.