I have a carpet python that I’m upgrading to a 6x3x6 enclosure. I am going to make a tiny pond with a small waterfall so the water isn’t stagnant as he likes to soak now and then. I was wondering if it’s possible to be some fish in there to crest something of interest in his enclosure. They would be small fish as the pond is going to be a fairly small pond but just wondering if it’s even a possibility.
I don’t have a clue but that sounds like a really cool idea @silly_serpents! I can’t wait to see if anyone has any ideas!
I’d make sure they’re a species that wouldn’t cause harm if ingested, just in case he sees it as a snack bar and not just a soaking tub.
I agree.
Most of the fishy ickies won’t affect reptiles as much but I still wouldn’t want to risk it. If it was my setup I’d probably treat the fish for potential infections or parasites before setting them up in the enclosure.
Some good filtration will be a must as well. Do keep in mind that reptiles do tend to love pooping in the water. @_@;
We’ve all changed water only to have to change it again that same day at some point in our hobby. That ammonia spike alone can be really harmful to the fish if it’s too small of a pond as well…
That’s a cool idea! I would see no problem if the enclosure was like a zoo/display type small room size area, with 2 different environments. Think wetlands/marsh then the aquatic water area something like that. I am on the same page as @armiyana with needing a strong filtration system, and more volume of water, just because a small water feature would get too dirty or just not properly balanced for the survival of the fish, I’m not worried about the snake at all!
You could also actually do a separate enclosed fish tank(maybe a tall triangular tank from floor to ceiling in the cool end corner)in your enclosure somehow, give the illusion that the animals are in the same enclosure?
I personally love water features with fish in them. If you do end up doing it, a water feature that is 2 feet be 3 feet would be best as it would make it so if your carpet pooped in the water, the fish wouldn’t die instantly. Lets say you water feature is 100 gallons (just to make what I say next more simple for my brain), then a canister filter rated for 300 gallons shouId be used. I would recommend a really hardy species of fish that says small and make sure to under stock the tank. If the water stays under 75 degrees, then white cloud mountain minnows would be a good choice. If it gets over 75, then livebearers like mollys, plattys, endlers, or mosquitofish would work best.