Flying insect invasion

Hello I am growing green beans,blue berries and other leafy greens in my bed room to feed to my blue tongue skink. I have used no fertilizer and natural and organic soil so it would be safe for him. This summoned fruit flies and gnats to the bed room. Would the gnats and fruit flies harm the skink, and do any of you have advice on how to get rid of them with out using pesticides and other harmful chemicals


Hello, I don’t know if the fruit flies and gnats are harmful to your pet, but these things worked wonders when I dealt with fruit flies in the past. They would have to be outside of the enclosure, of course. I got them on Amazon


Would it be safe to put in the same room as the lizzard


Unless you’re putting them in with your skink, I don’t see why you shouldn’t use them.


The ones suggested are basically just really bright and sticky bits of vinyl. The colors are interesting to the bugs and make them wanna land on it and get stuck.
So totally safe as long as your skink isn’t able to touch them.

If the plants are in his enclosure I’d recommend using them outside but very close to it


There outside and i guess I will try to see if they help


I don’t know if this will work for your particular type of flying insect, however it is worth a try:

Not sure if this works for things like fungus gnats or otherwise, but if you do indeed have fruit flies, it’s effective.


As a plant specialist, I second the yellow sticky traps.
In order to rid yourself of the majority quickly, I would place a small bright light near them at night, then suck them up with a shop vac. Tie a loop in the hose, this will cause them to splatter on the way through.
I had a cat walk across three fly colonies and push the gauze in, releasing them. The vacuum worked.


You can also get beneficial nematodes that prey on fungus gnats. Thats probably your primary bug. You cant see the nematodes, and they dont harm people or reptiles. You can get them from special suppliers online (like evergreengrowers or bugological, or even Amazon)

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Also, sterilize your soil beforehand. Lay a towel or paper over the soil and pour boiling water on it. Let it cool before planting.
Watering from the bottom will help too. Bug eggs need moisture to hatch.

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