Fragile reptiles

This video I watched got me thinking, what other species are fragile and hard to keep that many don’t realize? I mean, I think we all knew chameleons would be on this list, but I didn’t know rainbow boas were fragile with humidity.


I would think scaleless ball pythons would be hard to keep. No scales.
Would you have to keep them on something really soft, paper towels or soft coco dirt? Feather pillow? Lol

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I mean species, not morphs of things. Scaleless BPs reportedly do fine on all substrates. BPs aren’t fragile in terms of their care though.

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Ok, well the only problem I have is Tiberius (BP) going off food when it is breeding season. He won’t eat until He gets ready to eat. Which was 3 months last time.

That is normal for basically all snakes. BPs can go many months without food as adults with no issues.


Vine snakes
Egg eaters
Chondros as babies
Sunbeam snakes


I knew about 3 of those, but didn’t know about chondros. Why is it that they are fragile as babies?

Prone to dehydration and also their bones are very easy to break with even slight pressure. This is why you NEVER want to buy a sexed baby chondro from someone. You cannot safely pop or probe baby chondros and doing so pretty much guarantees you will end up with an animal that grows up and develops spinal kinks


Do you have to feed them small meals so not a whole lot of pressure is placed on their bones? Can they eat live or is that a risk?

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Smaller meals are better just because of their size, they are not going to be able to down anything that would put their skeletal structure at risk