Frilled dragon Dilo doing some flexing the day

Dilo doing some flexing the day just after big feed, looks bigger everyday temps bit warmer in tank day to so think its bit of thermo regulating cause never ever been aggressive or even warned me its been showing the younger 1 puff more recently that its bigger and gives it a nudge with its head an a couple of flaps from the frill to move from its basking spot or 1 when puff trys take piggy back rides around the tank on its back, i havnt sexed dilo but i would take a wild guess its 100% male hes 8 nearly 9 months still some growing to do


Almost caught it doing full open frill, its unreal looking when it does it facing outwards from the tank just never speedy enough with the camera :-1:



Sorry if boring people with so many pics but dilo putting on a bit of a show the day lol


Nope!! What a cool dude. :slight_smile:


No you are not boring us in ANY way! I do like your CWD but the Frills are over the top! Dilo is really a happy boy in those pics!


Aye the frills are definitely more confident and entertaining there constantly seeking attention and enjoy it, my largest female cwd is around 3yrs old its dominating my cwd tank at the moment and i put dilo in for jus a minute to see the reaction and it definitely didnt scare it off the way it scares my other cwds when it head bobs arm waves or does bit of chasing, i know its not recommended but just wanted to see, the cwd head bobbed and arm waved and dilo just sat an looked it in the face an hes just 8months, i introduced it to the adult beardie to just to see the reaction an again not recommended but it didnt want no beef either it puffed its throat out then dilo just moved up beside it an the beardie backed down an they just sat together im not going to make it a habbit of it to stress them but i have seen vids online of cwd, frilleds and beardies eating together and i was ready to grab 1 if a fight broke out lol


:joy:. Looks like your beardie is Dilo are having a staring contest in one of the pics! And Dilo next to your CWD reall brings out the colors in both. They look like prehistoric dinos from back in the Stone Age!

You really should pop in some pics of your beardie as well! We don’t get many pictures of those here as well! I have a beardie myself. He is blind but he does fairly well……


Ano lol the beardie arlo puffed his throat out at dilo to start off with then dilo opened its frill for a minute and at settled at dispute so a think i know who the boss is lol il get some pics uploaded its the daughters beardie im not happy with its setup at the minute and she’s getting a new bigger viv for it but i will get some pics becsuse i have tried for help in getting it sexed and im not the best at it because if i new for sure it’s sex i could get another when i upgrade the viv but apart from at its doing well sheds well eats well bit over weight if anything which is why im gona give it a bigger viv, what happened to your beardie


I think I am at least Oberon’s (Opie) 3rd owner. Obie was rescued by a friend of mine after a lady left him at a pet shop. My friend was working at the pet shop at the time so he took Obie home with him and kept him for about a year. But my friend got tired of keeping Obie so I took him.

My vet said that the blindness is due to incorrect husbandry. But even though I have to syringe feed him his greens, Obie loves his calcium coated super worms. He has picked up about 100 grams and is doing great! I got a lot of great advice from a breeder on the CB side……


Thats the beardie there i was thinking it was female because it has looked like its held eggs but its in the kids room it could have passed eggs and ive missed it, or it could be male i dunno


Cute pictures of Arlo, who looks to be female. I don’t see male pores…… I have the same hammocks in Obie’s tank.


Thats good they can still live out a proper life just need a help along, i had 1 b4 that died of mbd due to being sold wrong equipment the uvb bulbs weren’t powerful enough to get enough through the mesh so i kept them but added a mercury vapour bulb and it did the job got all correct temps and humidity and kept everything well dusted and it loves the greens and bugs


Aye he looks good and definitely a diff shape than mines so I think it deff is female then, and she changes the tank around every other week i have no control over it im getting her a 4ft 1 in December for Christmas and it will get it moving around more and lose some weight and i will prob stick to greens for a while, this is the viv here now its not a recent pic ers new stuff in it now im gona go for a wooden 1 an i can screw the hammocks etc in because there a nightmare but if you see the black lighting units on top of tank i was sold those an her 1st beardie died of mbd it must not have been gettin enuff uvb it was the spiral uvb bulbs because i dusted with calcium and vitamin powder regularly and was doing everything i should be an it still passed an i read those bulbs dont have a good output plus the mesh blocks out some so we got her a new 1 an i bought a mercury vapour bulb and its done great but its outgrown the tank but wont have to wait much longer i already know what way i want to set the new viv up


Here is Obie’s tank. Unfortunately it is only a 40 gal tall but he is out of it quite a bit as well. All of my reptiles are in my room so this size was the only tank that would fit and it’s almost on top of my bed! :rofl:


But with it being blind and ive read rescues or beardies suffering with mbd its the recommended size for it, an it looks a good setup :+1:


The added on lighting units i was sold as part of a bearded dragon package for her arent worth the electric they use and they were expensive just a waste of money and take the look of the tank, they might suit some species with diff uvb requirements but i lost a beardie because of them, the big proper lamp you have is all you need and perfect for them, but pet stores just try and extort more money out of you when there supposed to be trained and give proper advise but prob get incentives to sell certain brands and packages, so im gonna have the exo terra tank at Christmas to use for something just haven’t thought off what yet and dont want to take on to much an if i do get successful breeding it would be perfect for raising some hatchlings to, because if its deff a female beardie i have when i upgrade the viv il get an adult male an it shouldnt take to long


And her bedroom can only fit in 3ft long tank so its same length as yours i think but im goin 4ft tall an 2ft deep same as my frilled tank because it will just fit in the space she has but i will add ramps and climbing bridges etc, everytime she puts the hammocks on her viv they fall off with the weight of it lol so i will screw them in on hot an cool side of viv


Thank you and Yes proper lighting is extremely important. When I got Obie a few months ago he was lethargic and pale. He had only been fed apples for months. He has recently gone through a complete shed and gained some color.

If you are seriously interested in breeding, you should check out the CB side. There is a breeder on that side who has helped me out a lot with Obie. A lot! And I am just a keeper!


Well it will keep improving specially mixing in sum good bugs and the setup is perfect for it, it would be pale just being fed bugs and no protein, hers colours up a real bright orange red colour when basking and getting fed, what is the cb side i havent heard of it, im desperate to breed 1 of the lizards because i spent £180 on a incubator when my cwds were laying eggs just incase any where fertile but had no joy lol so think i could get some nice hatchlings from the beardie if i picked a good male theres always 1s for sale around where i am, because i think i will b waiting another year or 2 b4 any chance breeding the frills or cwds


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