Frozen Pinky Broken in Half?

My amazing baby, Himmie, from Caryl at BrightHope is chowing his F/T pinkies and about to move up to fuzzies. His last pinky came out of the bag broken in half. Do I feed it to him? Would he eat two pieces?
I googled this excessively with no luck. He’s eaten in a deli cup since I got him and I was going to try to transition him to eating in his enclosure on a large plate. He’s a timid little guy who would likely be terrified of a dangling mouse. So I was going to leave it outside his hide at bedtime.

He’s also had a perfect shed and is going into grey now.

He’s a joy to handle! I take him out during stressful work meetings as a destressing widget. (No more than once a day).


Yes, you can feed the two halves. Sometimes they’ll struggle a bit with getting the non-head half down since it doesn’t come to a point, but if he’s just about ready for the next size anyway, he shouldn’t have a problem.


You can feed halvsies. You may want to give Himmie the Handsome an opportunity to crawl through a dampish paper towel in your hands afterward. These meals can be messier than usual.

I love this description! My classroom snakes were used that way, too. There was that one student who insisted she got help on all her Chem tests from a Caramel corn named Wizard. She said he never missed lecture, so he knew all the answers. She’s a doctor now so maybe she was onto something! :snake: :woman_scientist:


Love this! I use my snakes to de-stress as well. There’s just something about handling a snake that’s so uniquely soothing.