I haven’t really decided on a good combo to put with this Girl.
I have a few genes I think would be a good idea, but can’t really make my mind up.
I’m thinking of fire het Kahl… I want to make white snakes one day, but hitting on a IMG fire Sunglow might not be bad to add to the collection.
Leopard het Kahl, and blood het Kahl as well.
Just curious what others would put to her.
I’m sure some will go the snow rout, but I’ve already got that possible project lined up.
So, its at the bottom of the list for now.
Be as detailed as you can when choosing the combos.
I.E, if you pick (blood het Kahl) , tell me why, what do you see it doing to the offspring?
Also, if you post pics of future combos that could be made I.E (IMG Sun dragon) describe the animal in your pics please.
Thank you.
Having trouble with uploading pics.