Future Starter Snake Opinions

Lol that is what I thought too :joy:

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Well shoot, I swore I had heard of a 40-60lbs boa and went back to find the video, and wouldn’t ya know it my brain got mixed and I was thinking of a retic video I had seen, oy vey :face_exhaling: :rofl:
Well at least thats good news haha, I will apparently be dealing with a lot less weight than I thought in that moment lol!
My research has been mostly on length (I’m a shorty) so I for sure need to look more at weights between males/females and localities, but ~15lbs is a really decent size (don’t worry, I know they are like pit bulls and stronger than you’d expect, I’m not looking to underestimate just bc they are lighter than I thought). Thanks for the correction!!


What a beautiful fella! Those loops on his pattern are so clean! Would those still be considered saddles, like in other boa species/morphs?

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I wish I could answer your question but I honestly have no knowledge about the markings on Nod. I just know he really does shimmer like a rainbow in the sun. He is 3 years old and he came from Florida. The breeder’s first name was Don so I named him Nod!

Thank you for the compliment on him. These guys really do make great pet snakes but my Nod can be a handful!

He’s beautiful! He’s only sassy because he is trying to show you his personality beats his amazing coloration!


Thank you so much! Have a blessed day! :heart:

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You as well! Give that big beautiful boy some love from me!


Will do! The “housekeeper” is getting ready to clean his “room”! :snake::joy: He had his room service requested card hanging on his door knob this morning when I checked on him! Lol!

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We are but lowly servants for these beauties, glad to see you accept your post :joy: :joy: :joy:


Rainbow boas are really, really beautiful, and even have a few morphs available, so that might be another species to explore. They tend to be a little smaller than a traditional BCC/BCI, though it’s my understanding that they’re often a little less tolerant of handling on the whole than the average BCC/BCI. Though of course, a lot of that just depends on the individual snake. I’ve heard about plenty of rainbows who are complete puppy dogs, and there’s always the odd BC who is extra grumpy.


Yes my Nod is no where near as tolerable with handling as my both my Central American boas are. However, once he settles down he becomes fairly mellow. I have had him since he could fit in the palm of my hand so I know him well. I just love him! :heart:


That’s so good to know, thank you!!

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I say get what you plan on keeping for long term. Im partial to boas and if your worried about size then go with a male. FWIW, i live close to a breeder and his females are all over 20 pounds with 2 in the 50’s. They are BC. It might be a good idea to try and handle some larger snakes to get a feel for them. Even at 2 years old, our suriname is extremely strong and 4’ isn’t big at all.


Also a very wonderful idea. Before I adopt I’ll try to find a local breeder or contact my local zoo and see if I could pay for a handling/training session. That could even turn into a fun road trip idea!
My mum used to be the junior handler for the Columbus Zoo’s late huge female retic, and she always told me you could feel every muscle under the snakes’ skin. I’m excited to come into contact with a large snake, and I agree that doing so before adopting a baby is a good idea.


Even though boas in general are my favorite, I have a special place in my heart for retics! They are such massive magnificent animals!

Superdwarf retics are absolutely incredible animals and I only do not own one because with my disabilities a more sedentary snake is closer to my speed, but they’re wonderful. For the right person they could be a starter… But if you like them, and want a similar animal but even smaller, House Snakes. Mine acts very like the SD Retics I have held. Just… he TEENY.

(Beginners should get one that’s established and eating regular- babies are finicky.)


I hadn’t really considered retics because of their sheer size, but honestly a superdwarf variety might be a cool option! I’ve heard retics as a whole are brainy snakes, and I do love animals that have some good personality to them! If I am a bit strange, my animals need to be able to keep up, and so far all my weirdos do, so maybe a smarty pants retic is an idea :thinking:

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If you wanted something with a similar personality kinda to a retic but way smaller…consider a spotted python or children’s. I love mine. I also think rainbow boas are a great option.


If you want something “fiesty” but not …A pine snake is a great option they are pretty smart… Mine is fine once you have her out…just dont let all the hissing scare you…lol lol


Pines are related to Gophers and similar in care and personality right? That’s a good option, I do love knowing that there’s options both within and outside a species/family