In preparation to promote Garter Snakes to a top level category, we need to build a trait list for the genes and combos.
For each of these, we need to know what kind of gene it is (recessive/incdom/dom) OR what combination of genes represent it.
Please add anything that is missing or correct me where I am wrong.
If you know anyone that works with Garter Snakes, send them a link to this thread and ask them to help out.
As this is such a huge group to work with, I have broken them down into groups along with their scientific name for clarification.
Each group has its list of known morphs within (if they have any).
Aquatic Garter Snakes - T. Atratus
Oregon Garter - T.A.Hydrophilus
Diablo Range Garter - T.A.Zaxanthus
Santa Cruz Garter - T.A.Atratus
Blacknecked Garter Snakes - T.Cyrtopsis
Eastern blackneck garter - T.C.Ocellatus
Western blackneck garter - T.C.Cyropsis
Tropical blackneck garter - T.C.Collaris
Common Garter Snakes - T.Sirtalis
Texas Garter - T.S.Annectens
Red-Spotted Garter - T.S.Concinnus
New Mexico Garter - T.S.Dorsalis
Valley Garter - T.S.Fitchi
Califorinia Red-sided Garter - T.S.Infernalis
- T.S.Lowei
Maritime Garter - T.S.Pallidulus
Red-Sided Garter - T.S.Parietalis
Puget Sound Garter - T.S.Pickeringii
Blue-Striped Garter - T.S.Similis
Eastern Garter - T.S.Sirtalis
Chicago Garter - T.S.Semifasciatus
San Francisco Garter - T.S.Tetrataenia
Eastern Garter: - T.S.Sirtalis
Albino (rec)
Silver (rec)
Granite/axanthic (rec)
Melanistic (rec)
Florida (Dom)
Flames (co-dom)
Erythristic (Extreme Reds) (rec)
Anerythristic Eastern (rec)
Golden Eastern (rec)
Leucistics (rec)
Mohr anerythristic (rec)
SCHUETT STRAIN albino (rec)
New York Paradox Albino (rec)
Florida erythristic (rec)
Midwest Albino (rec)
High Red flames (line bred)
Snow Eastern (melanistic x albino) (combo)
California Red-Sided Garter: - T.S.Infernalis
Hypo (rec)
Neon Blue (line bred)
Blue-Striped Garter: - T.S.Similis
True Blue (Dom)
Red Sided Garter - T.S.Parietalis
Anerythristic (rec)
Golden/colorless (co-dom)
Blue (rec)
Kansas strain albino (rec)
Iowa strain albino (rec)
Western Terrestrial Garter Snakes - T.Elegans
Arizona Garter - T.E.Arizonae
Mountain Garter - T.E.Elegans
San Pedro Martir Garter - T.E.Hueyi
Coastal Garter - T.E.Terrestris
Wandering Garter - T.E.Vagrans
Upper Basin Garter - T.E.Vascotanneri
Mexican Garter - T.E.Eques
Laguna Totolcingo Garter - T.E.Carmenesis
- T.E.Cuitzeoensis
- T.E.Diluvialis
- T.E.Insperatus
Northern Mexico Garter - T.E.Megalops
- T.E.Obscurus
- T.E.Patzcuaroensis
- T.E.Scotti
- T.E.Virgatenuis
Mexican Wandering Snake - T.Errans
Wandering Garter - T.E.Vagrans
Melanistic (rec)
Chocolate (rec)
Eastern Plains Garter Snake
Anerythristic (rec)
Axanthic (co-dom)
Christmas Albino (rec)
Piebald (non genetic)
Aztec (co-dom)
Hypo (rec)
Red hypo (rec)
Iowa albino (rec)
Illinois albino (rec)
Nebraska albino (not compatible with Iowa or Illinois)
Super Christmas = Iowa albino x Illinois albino ??? (Combo)
hybino = Iowa albino X Red hypo (Combo)
true snow = iowa albinos X anerythristics (Combo)
snow = Illinois albinos x anerythristics (Combo)
Blackbelly Garter Snakes - T.Melanogaster
Gray Blackbelly Garter - T.M.Canescens
Chihuahuan Blackbelly Garter - T.M.Chihuahuanensis
Lined Blackbelly Garter - T.M.Linearis
Mexican Blackbelly Garter - T.M.Melanogaster
Checkered Garter Snakes - T.Marcianus
- T.M.Marcianus
- T.M.Praeocularis
- T.M.Bovalli
Western Ribbon Snakes - T.Proximus
Chiapas Highlands Ribbon - T.P.Alpinus
Arid Land Ribbon - T.P.Diabolicus
Gulf Coast Ribbon - T.P.Oranius
Western Ribbon - T.P.Proximus
Redstripe Ribbon - T.P.Rubrilineatus
Mexican Ribbon - T.P.Rutiloris
Ribbon Snakes - T.Sauritus
Bluestripe Ribbon - T.S.Nitae
Southern Ribbon - T.S.Sackenii
Eastern Ribbon - T.S.Sauritus
Northern Ribbon - T.S.Septentrionalis
Other Garter Snakes
Bogerts Garter - T.Bogerti
Shorthead Garter - T.Brachystoma
Butlers Garter - T.Butleri
Goldenhead Garter - T.Chrysocephalus
Conants Garter - T.Conanti
Sierra Garter - T.Couchii
Montane Garter - T.Exsul
Highland Garter - T.Fulvus
Giant Garter - T.Gigas
Godmans Garter - T.Godmain
Two-striped Garter - T.Hammondii
Liners Garter - T.Lineri
Tamaulipan Montane Garter - T.Mendax
Southern Durango Garter - T.Nigronuchalis
Northwestern Garter - T.Ordinoides
Tepalcatepec Valley Garter - T.Postremus
Yellow-Throated Garter - T.Pulchrilatus
Plains Garter - T.Radix
Rossmans Garter - T.Rossmani
Narrow-headed Garter - T.Rufipunctatus
Madrean Narrow-Headed Garter - T.Unilabialis
Long-Tailed Garter - T.Scalaris
Short-Tailed Garter - T.Scaliger
Sumichrasts Garter - T.Sumichrasti
West Coast Garter - T.Validus
Mexican Pacific Garter - T.V.Celaeno
- T.V.Isabellae
- T.V.Thamnophisoide
- T.V.Validus
albino (Checkered)
albino flame (outcrossed)
amelanistic (florida blue)
amelanistic (Iowa)
amelanistic (Kenton County)
amelanistic (sirtalis)
amelanistic (Nebraska)
blue morph
brown & red morph
dark morph
florida blue
golden (eastern)
granite (Checkered)
red albino
red morph
snow = amelanistic + axanthic
snow (Iowa) = amelanistic (Iowa) + axanthic
snow (Nebraska) = amelanistic (nebraska) + axanthic
snow (sirtalis) = amelanistic (sirtalis) + axanthic
Line bred:
Schuett Snow?