I am doing two no-reserve auctions on MorphMarket to raise money for my Massachusetts Special Olympics fundraiser. I am running the Boston Marathon for that team and need to raise quite a lot (10,000!). The winner of the auction will pay me nothing. 100% of the auction proceeds will go directly to the fundraising site and the auction winner will actually get the tax benefit of making a charitable donation. The leachianus gecko I am placing on auction is this incredible male GT from my Ferrari (F1 Dumbea GT) and Velveteen (AxCxMt.K) pairing. This is also a sibling to the melanistic that I hatched out in December so it’s possibly het for mel. This one is already 28 grams and hatched on 9/15. The gargfoylke is a fantastic deep orange super stripe sired by my Mr. Scary. Go to my MorphMarket store page at Haneisen Premium Reptiles to bid! Auction started tonight!
That’s a great cause, indeed. As a teacher, I got to some people who participated in Special Olympics. It’s an amazing, uplifting thing. They all loved it, every single one.
@robhaneisen, please try posting the pics again. Looks like the uploads weren’t quite finished. Thanks!
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I have fixed the images and will pin the topic
These auctions end in a few hours. I think either of these animals would be a great addition to your collection if you’re in the market for one! Plus it sounds like it goes to a great cause!