Hey everyone, need some help with this one. Bought this girl on Morph Market a month ago. Was listed as female with dob 11/23/2022. Boyfriend is thinking not a female but a male. Either way ill be keeping but really needed a second female. Thoughts?
Do you have any under tail shots? I would say probably just a female with a larger bulge. At the size of the gecko it would usually be a lot bigger. I don’t know for sure so @ghoulishcresties @foxreptile @autumngeckos you have been summoned
How big is he/she? And if you can get some shots from underneath, inbetween the hind legs so you can see the scales, that would be better. Could be a young male that has just started showing, but some females do also get a slight bulge
Would really need to see underneath pics to say for sure
He’s got some lil balls it looks like
It certainly appears that way, could be a late bloomer!
However I have a female that looks like that just before her poops
Hey everyone, thank you all so much for answering. She or He is sleeping right now so I dont want to disturb. Once they are awake later ill get some more photos and upload them.
@logar @foxreptile @ghoulishcresties @autumngeckos okay hopefully these photos will help. He / She was on the door of the cage so I snapped these. I can try to take ones out of the cage if needed. Fingers crossed for female
They aren’t clear enough to see anything, but the bulge looks more male from this angle imo. I’d say pos male, not 100% sure until you’ve seen either pores or the bulge getting bigger though. To check for pores you need something like this, where each of the scales can be seen fairly clearly. Overlap and shiny scales can also be a sign of a male, however i have had females with shine and a bit of overlap, and males that didn’t have that shiny scales so it isn’t 100%
@autumngeckos thank you, ill work on getting some better photos. Ill have my boyfriend help me out this weekend and look to see if we can find any pores. I appreciate your help
From those I see baubles…
@ghoulishcresties sigh. I was really hoping everyone was gonna say female . Guess ill have to find another female down the road for my male.
as @autumngeckos said can’t be positive but it definitely looks like you just have a male with a smaller bulge or is a late bloomer.
Also don’t be upset about it being male because at least in my book, you can never have too many males. It allows for more variation in what projects you want to work on. Once I get in to breeding, I am personally going to try and have 2 males for every 3 females so I would consider you lucky. I know I am weird
@logar yeah, just was bummed as I already had my pairs picked out. This one is my favorite so definitely keeping for the future.
I still have 12 unsexed cresties that are younger so some of them gotta be females… I hope haha.
Once you get into breeding and you watch all your holdbacks turn male you won’t think like that anymore I currently have 3 females and 6 males for next season for that exact reason, all the nicest geckos from season ‘21 turned male except for one
I personally try to do one to one male to female, maayyyybe one male to two females if he’s really nice. So i totally get the disappointment
@autumngeckos oh no! Hopefully the nice unsexed ones all dont turn male . And hopefully your future nicest ones will be female
Im not planning a big breeding operation, this will be more of a hobby. I was thinking 3 enclosures, each one having only one male and one female in each.
I would say male, females wouldn’t keep the bulge that long.
I would also recommend having more than three enclosures as females may not do well with males all year round.
I do not house my males & females together.
My favourite Lilly White from last year has suddenly shown pores
Oh no, im guessing you were wanting her to be female?
If only we could figure out the genders sooner it would make everything easier haha.
And yes, ill definitely have more than 3 enclosures. I just meant 3 would be for the breeeing housing
I already have 2 male Lilly whites, so yes I really wanted a female
I have 1 more Lilly White growing so there’s still hope