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Gene Request Form
Please fill the below form out to the best of your ability. Answers do not need to be lengthy. If appropriate you may forward this request to someone who is more able to supply the answers.
African Fire Skink: Mochlus Fernandi Name of Gene:
Heterozygous- True Patternless
Homozygous- Colbalt First produced by whom:
Gene originally imported as wild individuals, later proven to have the super form “cobalt” (coined by Mike Schultz in 2016) proven by Richard Valdez & Avery Avezzie through captive pairings. Year First Produced:
First cbb produced in 2019 (some may have been earlier but 2020 was the first recorded) Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):
Incomplete Dominate In complex with other genes?:
No Other names/aliases for it?:
None Description:
Appearance; What it does/looks like?
Head: normal looking head with faded almost “airbrushed” looking side pattern leading to the main body
Body: the main body of the animal will have zero pattern, though rarely, some individuals have paradox spots.
Belly: flat white/pinkish belly
Tail: The most important tell of a true patternless is every individual that carries the gene has a solid line marking down the center of its tail. The lines going down the tail on mature adults are straight, unbroken lines.
Proven Lines:
“Prism line” fire skinks by Skinks Inc. Related Genes:
Nul Proven: To what degree it is proven out to not just be polygenic?
Multiple pairings accross several unrelated individuals Unique: Why do you believe this is a new morph and not an existing one?
New to MorphMarket, unmongst others soon to be added but not necessarily new all together Problems: Any problems? None History: The history behind its discovery?
-stated previously Disagreement or Controversy:
The first individual to produce a cobalt in captivity made the false assumption that it was melaninism, which was later proven incorrect as the animals aged and became a more bronzy color, losing all of the black pigment. True melaninism was said to be discovered tears earlier but the individuals were lost after their breeder was arrested. References here on the community: @Skinksinc / @aves_of_the_apes
At least one link to community discussion (ie forums) to demonstrate community acceptance
Link to WOBP if one exists.
Links to the wider web. Please attach at least 3 photos you have rights to which you are granting to be used on MorphMarket, Including 1 image next to a Normal/WT animal
Please fill the below form out to the best of your ability. Answers do not need to be lengthy. If appropriate you may forward this request to someone who is more able to supply the answers.
African Fire Skink: Mochlus Fernandi Name of Gene:
Cobalt First produced by whom:
Gene originally imported as wild individuals, thought to be the super form of patternless named “cobalt” (coined by Mike Schultz in 2016) proven later by Richard Valdez & Avery Avezzie through captive pairings. Year First Produced:
First cbb produced in 2019 (some may have been earlier but 2020 was the first recorded) Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):
Incomplete Dominate In complex with other genes?:
In combination with “Anery” a Recessive gene in Fire skinks, creates a “Prism” which is a visual patternless anery, the super form being a “Phantom” fire skink, a visual anery cobalt. Other names/aliases for it?:
None Description:
Appearance; What it does/looks like?
Head: dark grey/brown head with pronounced orange “duck beak like” marking around the mouth
Body: the main body of the animal is dark brown/gold throughout with not beginning or end to a pattern. The body will have zero pattern, though rarely, some individuals have orange paradox spots.
Belly: flat grey/pinkish belly
Tail: The most important tell of is every individual that carries the gene has a solid line marking down the center of its tail. The lines going down the tail on mature afults are straight, unbroken lines.
Proven Lines:
“Prism line” fire skinks by Skinks Inc.
Mel line by Richard Valdez Related Genes:
Nul Proven: To what degree it is proven out to not just be polygenic?
Multiple pairings accross several unrelated individuals with consistent results. Unique: Why do you believe this is a new morph and not an existing one?
New to MorphMarket, unmongst others soon to be added but not necessarily new all together Problems: Any problems? None History: The history behind its discovery?
-stated previously Disagreement or Controversy:
The first individual to produce a cobalt in captivity made the false assumption that it was melaninism, which was later proven incorrect as the animals aged and became a more bronzy color, losing all of the black pigment. True melaninism was said to be discovered years earlier but the individuals were lost after their breeder was arrested and the animals were lost. References here on the community: @Skinksinc / @aves_of_the_apes
At least one link to community discussion (ie forums) to demonstrate community acceptance
Link to WOBP if one exists.
Links to the wider web. Please attach at least 3 photos you have rights to which you are granting to be used on MorphMarket, Including 1 image next to a Normal/WT animal
so when creating a gene request, the homozygous still is put on the same page as the heterozygous. So would you be able to go back and add some of the info from here to the patternless gene request?