It would be nice to be able to search for a word or phrase when viewing “All” the animals under the “Availability” filter. Example being looking for a specific locality of boa not already listed to see if there are other breeders out there working on them, what they’ve sold, how much, etc.
Example for me specifically is looking for the Tarahumara boas and since it isn’t already in the list I have to search for the phrase under the category Boa Constrictors which only returns “For Sale” items and when changing from “For Sale” to “All” it removes the Tarahumara search option.
When you search it looks like this: https://www.morphmarket .com/us/search?q=Tarahumara&cat=3
When you select All it looks like this: https://www.morphmarket. com/us/search?q=&q=&cat=3&sex=&maturity=0&min_weight=0&max_weight=1000000&prey_state=0&prey_food=0&min_genes=0&max_genes=9&traits=&neg_traits=&min_price=0&max_price=1000000&cur=USD&epoch=2&store=&nearby_location=&lat=&lng=&radius=&country=&export=&sort=def&layout=grid
If you combine them you get: https://www.morphmarket. com/us/search?q=Tarahumara&cat=3&sex=&maturity=0&min_weight=0&max_weight=1000000&prey_state=0&prey_food=0&min_genes=0&max_genes=9&traits=&neg_traits=&min_price=0&max_price=1000000&cur=USD&epoch=2&store=&nearby_location=&lat=&lng=&radius=&country=&export=&sort=def&layout=grid
(If you copy the link be sure to delete the space between morphmarket and .com)
This was a feature except it had some problems working so it was removed.
I’m glad to help. I believe that feature is on the list to get done. However it is a very long list so it might take a while to be finished. I’ll tag @eaglereptiles and @john in case they want to log the request.