April 9th, 22 babies
My original guess was taken, tried too look through but hopefully this one wasn’t
April 9th, 22 babies
My original guess was taken, tried too look through but hopefully this one wasn’t
April 3rd 22 babys
April 5th with a total of 19 babies
If I win please give my winning as well to second place. I’ll guess April 4 and 16 adorable baby snake noodles!
I would like to do that also if I win. I keep one and Second place get 1 baby too.
Great idea, twinklecat1217.
April 3rd, 18 baby boas
Actually somebody said that further up in the thread, can’t take all the credit. but I still wanted to guess. But thanks
Let’s go with April 7th with 20 babies
Hi, 4/4 20 babies
April 8th and 19 babies
Let’s go! I can barely contain myself, LOL . Hopefully the wait will be worth it, I know it will be for someone.
Hey, I’ve never bred boas or any other live bearing snakes, so here’s a question: as she gets closer to term, can you feel the babies ‘kick’, like you’d feel with a human pregnancy? Can you estimate the number of babies by palpating or anything like that?
4/12, 27 babies
april 8th 21 babies
I used a fetal doppler to determine if there are any babies in there. I’d highly recommend not Palpating a pregnant female Boa, so I’ve never tried. They are fragile haha
And as far as kicks go, they ain’t got no legs jkjk
April 9th and 27 babies!
Beautiful Mama! My guess is March 31st and 14 Babies
Pictures when the babies arrive will be appreciated cuz some of us don’t have any live bearers. We love seeing new little ones
Boas dont lay eggs?