Good Pairings for a Male Orange Dream Pastel Pied?

Hello Everyone!

I just recently got into breeding BP’s after keeping them for many years, and I’ve been trying to plan out some potential pairings for my Male Special OD Pastel Pied, Jorm, I’ve been looking at a lot of female bananas that are either homozygous pied or het pied as producing some sort of pied morph is something I would love to do. I do have one other pair that I plan to breed which is a, male banana calico pastel OD x female banana, so I don’t know if I would like to get another female banana with pied genes or something different entirely. I’ll attach a photo of Jorm for any interested, and I greatly appreciate any input or recommendations

Thanks and have a great day!


If you are looking to brighten things up, a pyro pied or firefly pied would be nice, imo.


As a heads up, if Jorm already has special, you may want to avoid a BEL complex gene in any females that are het or visual pied. BEL and pied have a high chance of producing offspring with eye defects like bead eye.

Otherwise I think you already have some pretty good ideas. I also agree with the comment of adding fire as well. Fire OD pieds are pretty. Special should help it pop more. Adding enchi may be able to help you bring some more pattern to special’s tendency for high white pieds but also may help push the colors even a bit more.


Welcome to the family @logan_lusk! That is one gorgeous snake you are holding there! You came to the right place for advice! The very best to you Logan and your future projects! :pray::heart::snake::+1::blush:

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