Got these two as a pair and turns out the one labeled lesser is pregnant. Need help

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What are your long term plans? Are you going to continue breeding or is this a one time thing for you?

My intentions were to breed but later because she wasn’t supposed to be pregnant. I’m wanting to make it a long term thing but I wasn’t ready for it too be this early.

Ask the seller if she was paired with a male. If the female was paired (and the eggs could be fertile), set up an incubator and enjoy the process.

How do you know she is gravid?


The white one is the male and he told maybe 30 minutes ago she locked up with the white male 4 times in three weeks

She’s already laid


If your not ready nothing says your have to incubate the eggs. If you don’t have any incubator set up and or hatchling racks or just ready in general maybe better to not incubate them.


This is a great point.


I agree, if right now you aren’t prepared or ready feel free to dispose of them (freezing or just not incubating). If you want to try it you could incubate some of them or all of them.


I wouldn’t recommend hatching them just to try. Remember after they hatch you have to house, feed and eventually sell them/find them homes. This is not something you should do unless your :100: prepared.


For the most part I agree but they said they were planning to breed in the future. They are the only one that can make the judgement of whether or not to wait. I was trying to point out all of the options.

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It’s a tough decision. Because I didn’t prepare for a clutch to be had. He didn’t even bother to tell me they had locked up with each other multiple times before I got them.

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There’s no harm in waiting and not incubating this clutch. Based on what you’ve said I wouldn’t recommend keeping the entire clutch but you could also keep a few eggs to get a feel for the incubating/raising parts of breeding. If these are your first ball pythons it might be better to wait until you have experience with the species first.

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I have experience with ball pythons but I’ve never bred then before and don’t everything I need to know about genetics

If the the super lesser is indeed the sire you would get roughly half lessers half bels. Given the original breeder didn’t tell you they had even paired them I won’t be surprised if there were multiple males she was paired to. That could turn into a mess if you don’t for sure know who the sire is.

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The BEL is confirmed to be the sire. He told me she only locked with the bel

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You have to remember that a lot of the clutches that are produced, the locks are not observed.

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This is a tough decision. Where are the eggs now?

I know some people leave them with the mum through till they hatch. I’ve never tried it though.

If your not ready, then I’d suggest not keeping them as it’s a big responsibility. It’s great fun, but not if your not prepared.

But I totally understand why you’d want to keep them if you do decide to keep them

Can the seller confirm that she wasn’t put with another male? As said above, could of locked without being seen and then you have no idea what the lil ones will be. Which could be awesome or it could be a nightmare!

A little off topic, but I’d recommend skipping the next breeding season to give her a break, given the seller didn’t tell you about the pairing plus you don’t know how many times she had been paired.

Good luck!


If I wasn’t ready for them, I’d give them to someone local who is. Let em know what info you know, then it’s on them.