Great Stuff Pond and Stone Spray Foam

Hey everyone, I am in the process of setting up two Exo-Terra 36x18x18 cages for our two corn snakes. I would like to use the foam background inserts that came with the cages, but I want to fill in the cord gaps and hollow they come with so the snakes don’t wiggle behind the insert.

I have a can of Great Stuff Pond and Stone spray foam that should do the job but I’m not 100% sure it is reptile safe. The can says fish safe and a google search found some reddit threads confirming it is safe for herps.

Has anyone used this in a terrarium and can confirm it is safe? Also, does anyone know if it will adhere to the foam the backgrounds are made out of?



100% safe. I’ve used it a lot. Some people create entire back drops with it.


Thanks! Just wanted to be sure before I began spraying it all over the background :joy:

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I’ve seen some people use this and put sand or fully dry coconoir on the still wet foam, if you want the foam hidden from where it might peak out at the edges of the background!


Take a box cutter or pocket knife and cut some marks into the background or rough it up with some sandpaper. It will give the foam something to stick and adhere to.
Or you can use some aquarium silicone for the job as well to stick it down flat and then use the foam to fill the gaps after so the background doesn’t expand out with the foam as it cures.

Either way, it will need time to dry and off gas a bit.

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There is a popular reptile YouTuber that I believe used that product to fill in gaps and mount lights in his snake enclosures. He was sloppy with it intentionally because he went back after it dried and cut the excess with a razor blade. For the life of me I can’t recall his name or find the videos right now.

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Probably not the guy, but if you want another YouTuber, Serpa Design often uses this foam for aquatic and non aquatic enclosures, and he lets it set and either cuts off excess, or shaves it into rock-like shapes to add to the texture of the background


I found it. Will Nace uses that stuff to close gaps and mount lights in Vision enclosures. []

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