Happy 2nd birthday, Hershey!

happy birthday to Ms Hershey!
2 years old today :heart:
She has changed so much over the last two years and is still my favorite snake

Last two years have also had some wild comments and assumptions made anout her from people saying she will die before 6 months, to claiming im lying about her weight and age, but shes doing quite well as a subadult and is at a weight of 1,100 grams roughly :slightly_smiling_face:

I love this girl and cant wait to see many mote years with her :heart:


Happy Birthday Hershey!

Sorry to hear about all the negativity thrown at you.
Up until fairly recently, there really haven’t been many scaleless ball pythons that have hit this milestone. Or come out of it looking as beautiful as your baby does. Even Brian Barczyk lamented about it fairly recently on an update with his current scaleless. It seems like breeders and keepers are finally able to pinpoint the best way to set these guys up to stay happy. But even right now there’s still a lot of debate on if the females can still reproduce properly.
That doesn’t excuse how the others had singled you out though. It’s just flat out horrible for people to say those sort of things to you.

So congrats to you too for being such an attentive pet parent and getting all of Hershey’s care adapted well! I hope she continues to thrive for you!.


So beautiful and bright! She looks happy and healthy to me! Great snake keeping!:grin:


@seabreezereptiles Happy birthday to Miss Hershey! And congratulations to you for raising Hershey to be a beautiful healthy subadult!

I have no experience with scaleless animals but no doubt you have mastered the care requirements she needs to thrive! I hope these negative comments you received did not come from here but if so you have proven them wrong. Hershey is living proof of that!

Here’s to many more happy and healthy years with her @seabreezereptiles! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:


Of course. Ive been transparent with her care since day 1 abd an always rhinking about how i can do better for her. Definitely not a morph that would be appropriate for most keepers :sweat_smile:


@seabreezereptiles great job. Would it be possible to update everyone on how you raised it, setup, care, feeding, what not and what to do? I am sure many would love to know, especially the ones just getting into it. The more data out there the longer we can keep these alive and well.


The way i care for her is probably going to be different then what others reccommend for scaleless but it works well for Hershey.
Feeding wise, i feed her the same as any of my snakes. Started her on evert 7 days until she was 150-200 grams, then moved her to every 10 until she was about 550-600 grams. Since then shes been on smalls biweekly and is 1,100-1,200 grams. Husbandry, shes in a rack, kept on a mix of eco earth, moss and babichip lightly dampened. Just enough to tell it was dampened, its also super soft and easy on her skin vs straight cocochips. Humidity i keep 85%+ with a second bowl in the winter and room humdifier that keeps the room humidity at 60-65%. When shes in shed, i do give her body a light misting when in blue. I personally havent used any moisturizers in over a year. With her feeding schedule, she sheds anywhere from 3 to 6 weels. 3 weeks if shes in a growth spurt, but generally its 5-6 weeks. When she was a baby, she shed every 30 days on the dot. I give her the same heat levels as the rest of my snakes with a 89-90 hot spot and cool end of 78-80.
I have tried paper towel, but my only issue with that was if she urinated and sat in it, it would stain her belly. Even if it was just for a few hours if i was at work which is why i dont use it anymore for her.
The only issue ive had, is that sometimes the shed will break at her neck and leave her face shed. Or, the shed will seperate but will form a ring before the point where her body thickens but thats easily fixed with a quick cut through the shed roll.
Absolutely no issues feeding. She eats live or frozen, although after she started building, she wasnt interested in frozen anymore


This is an excellent point…
Because they don’t have belly scales for protection still like a scaleless corn, I wonder if some of the major issues with scaleless BP skin in the past was this. It’s not quite the same as with a mammal as the urinary tract is different, but urine scalding is basically a rash from sitting in urine. Like a chemical burn.
The bedding mix you mentioned is a great alternative because yes, it would be soft on the skin and give something to absorb away that urine quickly. Even chipped bedding can sit with a layer of fluid under it for some time before it absorbs it.


Sounds like you have it down perfectly! I am with @armiyana I didn’t even think of the paper towel making any issues, that is a great tip there! I may have to give this scaleless thing a try, just to see for myself. I have a couple Microscales, the female will need a couple more seasons of growth though. Anyway you said she was building, does that mean you will breed her next season? If you do I would love some real firsthand knowledge of how that whole process goes for a scaleless, I am sure a lot of people here would be interested! Thanks again for sharing, especially since your snake can be a controversial morph to some! :+1:


@seabreezereptiles thank you for the information. I am sure a lot of users will find it helpful, me included. It will be very interesting to know now the breeding process goes. Please keep us posted if you go this route. There are a lot of rumors out there about this, so to get info from someone first hand would be wonderful.

Have you personally, or heard of anyone having issues what them, with a more course bedding and problems with belly issues or cuts?


@seabreezereptiles I am just a keeper but to me you are a kind of “pioneer” in scaleless ball python keeping on MM and I don’t care what anyone else says! Lol! Or has said in the past! So congratulations to you! And the very best of wishes to you if you plan to breed!

This is what I so love about this forum! There is so much to share and learn. And what you have to offer to others is a prime example! :blush::+1::frog::clap:


she is beautiful!!! :star_struck: I am so glad she is doing well!!!


I dont have any plans to try breeding, since ive seen so many try and everyone has said they absorb. And honestly i dont see myself being able to find out any new informattion with one scaleless that others havent already