Note: Add two images here. Change ‘data-direction-horizontal’ to ‘data-direction-vertical’ for a vertical slider.
**Hi all, so I just hatched my first clutch of 4 healthy babies. They came out on day 52.
I beleive I ID them correctly please let me know if you see something different.
Pairing was pastel banana clown male o a leopard pastel yellowbelly female**
3 males no banana !???
- Pastel leopard het clown male
- Pastel leopard yb hey clown
- Super pastel leopard possible yb hey clown female. (Holdback(
- Yellowbelly ? Het clown.
So they were born on August 10 they shed their skin around August 18. I have tried to feed them once Frozen thaw hopper mice absolutely none of them were interested. I tried offering it to them directly in the tub and I’ve also tried putting them in a small dark box separate for a half hour and then offering the food from the top tongues. None of them even showed any interest.
So everyone please don’t yell at me, but I have all four babies and an FB 70 adult size tub. It is absolutely loaded with hides at least three on each side and a few in the middle basking spot is about 5 to 7 inches wide and as wide as the tub, so the back part of each tub surface temperature usually ranges from 88 to 92 the air temperature usually stays around 83 to 86 and all the way in the front of each tub. The cool side always remains 78 to 82.
is it better to feed outside tub for now. Put them in a dark small box with some paper towels and then give them half hour to settle down then offer the prey?
I will be putting them all into their own small tubs on a shelf by next week, in the mean time I was just trying to get them started.
The one that went to my friend, who yes is a breeder , has eaten the night I gave it to him. Live fizzy rat. And has eaten again for us. So things are good there. I would never give a baby up without it having several meals.
Apologizes I’m getting used to MM interface and controls and looks like I typed to fast and was clicking things k should have and it really
Messed with my words and the format of my writing. That’s where the confusion came from.
I was really mostly just looking for help identifying the babies as well as curious about how large of a basking spot needs to be 88-92 in a fb70 tub. Because I have 2 3” heat panels built in specially. One inch apart each of them. So basically 7” of the back of my tubs d the width of the tub is always 88-92.
Depending when and where you measure from.
So I was making sure that I wasn’t overheating my tubs. The surface temp of the rest of the tub is 82-85 everywhere else. And in the front of each tub and in cool hides 78-82. Warmer in middle racks.
It’s been only almost 3 weeks but starting to get worried. How long can hatchling go with no food ?
I can place a Tub on top on top of the rack which I have a heat pad set to 88-93 as well and this way her ambient and cool side temps
Will be in mid to high 70s instead of 83-85. Since it’s going to take on my ambient room temp instead of the temp inside the rack.
to have done all this for years to loose them.
One pastel leopard went to his new
Last night because the person is a close friend and breeder and already got him eating , before he even picked him up. He’s not ate 2x about to be 3x tonight.
So I have 3 to get feeding.
My axanthic Lemonblast female 2 years old , male pastel banana clown 2 years and the mom 3 years old all in the same rack on different shelves and eat great. Well the male only eats live.
But that at least means my
Temps are good right ? Never had health issues.
Sometimes I worry my warm side is either too cold or too hot. Unless digesting or shedding they lay around the hide which is about 84 instead of inside where it’s 88-92.
But the tubs 33” long 16” wide. The back10” is covered with basking spot so 1/3 the tub. Then the rest is water dish then small area of cool side. Surface temps stay 76-82 cool side. Air temps around 77-80. I have a side panel set to 81 to keep cool side warm when it’s cold in my rooom.
I’m hoping I am not providing too much heat. Usually their body temp is 84 when in warm side , 80-83 in cool hide. And 88-91 when they are in the warm hide. Shooting the temp gun directly at their bodies.
Does it sound like they all have a good gradient ? So air temp in first 1/3 of
Tub 77-82. Middle before heat panels is 82-85. Then back air temps 83-86 with surface basking
Temp inside warm hides is 88-92
I don’t do a night drop. Should I turn the basking spot off at night ? Or at
Least lower it? Or could just drop the whole room temp.
Please any input on feeding advice. Hatchling enclosures and feeding tricks. Input
On my ambient and surface temperatures and the area of the tubs they take
Most of
My older snakes pretty often move back
And forth between each side so that’s a good sign. Just
Never catch them in warm
hide too long. I put gove thermometer in there. From 6 am - 6 am 24 hours.
It ranged as low as 86 in warm hide up to 90. Air temp. Surface temps are always fluctuating depends on thermostat and room temp. My thermostat is set to 93. Which gives me the correct temps in the tub.
Although very top tub doesn’t get as warm since there’s no shelf
On top of it with a heat pad. So I put a heat pad on cool side above the rack to help keep his cool side warm and not get affected by room temps.
My room in summer ranges from 74-80 through the day.
Winter stays around 74-75 cuz I have a thermostat on my space heater. So in the winter, I have much more steady temperatures since I can keep the room at a steady temperature, but in the summer because of the air conditioner, it kind of goes up and down, but only a few degrees but it tends to give me a lot of anxiety and I’m always switching things up I saw that switching to Coco apparently can help I use aspen because my humidity is naturally so high 75 to 90% without doing anything I’ve never had a single bad shed so I’m afraid if I did, I would not let them at all
Thanks in advance ! Please help me out.