Hatchling id help again

Pairing was super pastel yb to black pastel but this one is way lighter than the others first 3 pics are the one in question last pic is one of the pewters


Yellow belly black pewters, differ a lot in how light and crazy the side pattern gets. Unless we are missing a morph in either parent that’s all it can be. Yb, pastel, black pastel. It does look light like a super pastel though, and the side pattern is really distorted and crazy with it. Why don’t you put some pics of the parents up, unless you are for sure about there genetics, because that baby may have something else, or it may just be a very high quality yb,black pewter. Killer pattern, I hope that makes your holdback roster!:smile:


She was staying either way and heres mom and dads proven this is moms first year.

All are mom

Heres dad


Yes to me they look just what you said they are. The black pastel mom is a great looking one with the “eye brows” on top inside of the alien heads, and quite a bit of dorsal blushing, but doesn’t look pastel. Dad looks great too! I think you just got the very best of both snakes genes in that crazy one you hatched! Pastel, yb, black pastel. A exceptional snake, congratulations!:tada:


Thanks for the help! Im just suprised how much of a diffrence there is between the hatchlings


Congratulations on a really cool little baby! There have been some amazing babies popping up around here lately and yours is another beautiful unique one! So happy you are going to keep her too!

The very merry best to you and your future projects! This stuff makes me feel so happy :grinning:!!!?:snake::blush::heart:

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Ive had an insane year man i accidentally hit cryptons trying to make het clowns and now this crazy girl hatched. And back to you best of luck with your projects


Glad to hear you had a awesome season! Hatching snakes is always exciting, but when you have crazy things pop up like you that’s amazing! Just out of curiosity can I see the belly of the black pewter(last pic, sibling to the exceptional one) I can’t see the head so good, but usually it is faded or browned out near the neck for pastel. It is bright and pewter looking towards the belly, I was Wondering on the off chance you have a really crazy good yb line and it is a black pastel, yb instead of a black pewter? Just a thought, no matter how well the pics are it’s nothing like seeing them in person!

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It is indeed a yellow belly. my line is from garrick demeyer who has an insane line.


Great! So now we know why it is so much brighter, the added pastel! Good on you, that line seems super dominating and intense! Use more of that for sure in your projects!!