Hatchlings Dying

My clutches of U. ebenaui have started to hatch out. The first set of neonates born 11/18 are doing just fine. The second clutch born 12/10 are both dead as of today. While both had trouble with their first shed, they still did hunt and feed the first few days. And then on a random spot check one of them was laying on the sphagnum almost paralyzed. It gasped its mouth a few times. Attempted to move its limbs and eventually passed. All within a few minutes. Same scenario for its clutch mate. Any ideas?


Not really familiar with the species, but I found this thread on a different species of leaf tail. It seems to suggest that possibly the incubation temps can be an issue. Or that sometimes they’re just difficult to raise.

Sorry that this is happening for your little guys.


Oh wow, thank you very much. That thread was actually quite useful as the second clutch was incubated at a higher temperature than the last, coming in about 22 days earlier than the first clutch. So it does make sense and it’s quite relevant to my situation. I greatly appreciate Your response to my inquiry.


Oh yay! I hope that managing the temps a bit lower helps out for the future siblings!