Having a rough week

Normally I only post about my cresties on here but im gonna post about my other animals. I have a household of animals. We have approximately 40 snakes, 32 crested geckos, 4 rats, a hamster, a cat, and a dog. This week, 2 days apart, one of my rats (Happy) and my hamster (Barry) passed away. Happy was just over 2 and Barry was almost 2. Both of them were my first rescues and they meant so much to me. Its so hard when they have such a short lifespan. Im devastated they are gone and miss them. Heres some photos of them 🩷


Awww. Sorry for your losses.
That’s the tough part about these little guys. They have such short lives but leave a huge impact.
They’re both adorable. Black bears are awesome and fawn rats are my favorite

I had to put down my little opossum bud, (scara)Moosh. Last month and it still hits me sometimes.
He was an orphan baby we rescued that had ended up carrying besonoitis, so we couldn’t release him. We had him exactly one year to the day before we had to put him down for issues related to the parasite.


@101_geckos Gosh I’m so very sorry for your loss. As @armiyana said, it’s so sad that our beloved pets have a much shorter lifespan than us. Before our daughter was born it had been a long time since I’d kept any pets because the loss of my beloved cat hit me so hard. I realized though that the happiness and comfort they provide was well worth having them even for such a short amount of time. I’m sure those cuties felt your love and were blessed by having you as their human.


So very sorry about your losses.


Oh sweetie how sad :disappointed: I am heartbroken for you, especially after seeing those photos! :heart: I had 2 blue rats that both developed tumors as rats do and I had a black bear hamster as well. Plus a few mice. They were such sweet little babies.

Would that we could keep all of our precious little ones but God only allows them a short time with us before He calls them back. Let yourself mourn for them. Let yourself cry for them. Then dry your eyes, pull yourself back together and trudge on. It sounds like you have a ton of other critters depending upon you.

On a lighter note, I don’t know if I have mentioned this but you have a real talent for photography. You are blessed to have such sweet photos of your little furry buddies. Much love :heart: coming your way. :pray:



I am so sorry. I know they were small but the love isn’t small at all. They look like you gave them a fantastic time in life, bright eyed and happy and doing fun things. I think all animals know when they are loved, when their needs are met. Maybe our reptiles just feel relaxed and safe, trusting us, and mammals like your little pals do bond more like we do and I’m sure they felt safe and loved with you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Our precious charges hold our hearts and touch our spirits. It is a joy to have them in our lives, and it is such a tug when we have to say goodbye. It’s especially hard when losses come close together. I know that you will always cherish the time you had with your dear little friends. I know that you’re hurting now. I hope that soon thoughts of them will bring only love, no pain. :pray: :heart:


Thank you! And im so very sorry for your loss as well. They definitely fill a big part of our hearts :two_hearts:


Awww thank you so much for your kind words. Its hard when they have such a short life span but im happy that we can bring so much joy into their lives as they do ours.


Thank you so much :two_hearts:


Thank you so much for your kind words. And im sorry for the loss of your little ones. I bet they had a pretty amazing life as well. They definitely bring so much joy into our lives and im glad we can give that back to them.

And thank you, ill have 1 or 2 good photos after like 100 takes. You should see the amount of blurry ones in my deleted bin :joy::joy::joy:


Thank you so much for your kind words, i appreciate it. And i agree, even our small animals, they get so much love. They definitely bond way different than say my snakes and lizards. But they each have their own way. But i do agree that tney know when they are lover and taken care of 🩷


Both cute, and you could tell that they were both loved and spoiled. I’m sorry for their passing.


Thank you 🩷. I am trying to focus on all the positive thoughts and and remember all the good times we had together. Makes me sad when I go in the room and they sre not there but i know it will eventually get easier!


Very spoiled! They loved their nightly treats and scratches behind the ears :joy: