As winter progresses here in SE Texas and is dropping as low into the 20’s me and my husband are having concerns with keeping our Beardie warm at night, when the temps drop the lowest.
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible but does anyone have any advice for ways we can keep her warm at night?
We have a heating pad under her enclosure and a heater running at night in the room she’s in but my husband is worried that may not be enough as her cage temps are reading below 70 on the warm end while her day basking lamp is off at night. I’ve read that temps dropping low at night are fine but I don’t know how much I trust this as a person who doesn’t have much experience with desert species of reptiles. Her daytime temps with her overhead basking lamp on the warm end stay in the 90’s with a 105°F basking spot and a cool end of 78°F so we aren’t worried about daytime temps.
Do we need to get any overhead heating for night time? Like a ceramic heat emitter? Does anyone have opinions of something that may be more efficient?
(Edit): If this is relevant her current enclosure is a 40gal growout enclosure with a height of 18"
Cute picture for tax lol