Hi everyone! My name is Renee and I am 19 and am from the Midwest U.S. I have always been a reptile enthusiast since I was a kid. I never was scared of snakes or frogs and often tried to catch them to check them out! Tadpoles were one of my favourites to catch.
Now that I am older I have my own scaly friends, my leopard geckos! I originally wanted my first reptile to be a ball python or hognose, but since the people I live with unfortunately hate snakes I got leos instead and I love them! One day I hope I will get a snake, since I find them so cool and cute.
I originally joined morph market with the intention to see the different morphs of snakes and leos and not really interact with anyone, but I would like to be a part of a community who loves reptiles just as much as I do, and maybe I could learn too!
I consider myself a newbie since I’ve only had my leos since Dec. 31 of 2019, but it is so fun to watch them grow up! If anyone has some tips for a newbie leo owner let me know! I want to give my babies the best possible lives.
This is Nugget, she’s the sploot master.
This is Milky when he was a baby. He is very shy so no good updated pictures unfortunately.
I am not so sure on morphs but I believe Nugget is a hypo carrot tail and Milky is a tremper albino. I got them from Petsmart so no way to know their genetics…
Correct me if I’m wrong!
Thank you for having me!