Hello ! (Intro!)

Hello!! I’m Sarah and I’m new to the reptile community but I’ve been into reptiles for a few years now learning about snakes and what I want to keep. I have a het sable western hognose snake named Norman, he’s around a year old now (exactly a year in august). I also have a dog named Ellie, she’s a pit/shar pei mix.

I’m interested in sharks, dinosaurs and I like to crochet too!

I’m excited to learn more and to be able to ask questions to an informed group of people and be apart of this community too!


A great big howdy do to you @ssssarah! Welcome to the best reptile forum ever! There are lots of great people here who have tons of expertise in the reptilian field! You will learn so very much here and have fun as well! Do not be afraid to ask questions because you will get answers! And there are no questions that are considered dumb here! :blush:

As far as your critters, your hoggie Norman is one handsome dude! But Ellie is absolutely precious! And I mean precious! Her face is one of those faces that you just can’t get enough of! I am a huge pit bull fan anyway and the shar pei mixed in is just over the top! Her little ears are just too cute!

Again it’s so great to have you @ssssarah! Jump in anytime!!! :blush::grinning::sunglasses:


Welcome to the community! Love the handle, ssssarah that’s a great name for a reptile lover! There is tons of info, and people who will try to answer any questions you may have! Love the hoggy and pitpei! Welcome again! :grin:


Welcome @ssssarah ! Sounds like you already know that this is a wonderful community to be a part of! I lurked for probably 2 years because I was afraid to ask questions because as you may know, social media can be brutal to people asking questions. There is nothing like that here. I just know you’re going to love being here.
And oh my goodness! Your Norman and Ellie are absolutely precious! I love pitties and bullys so much, and I’ve always loved sharpeis!


@banereptiles lol! I didn’t even pick up on the sssssssssss until you said something! Duh! I am not too bright sometimes! Lol! (Keep a close watch on those eggs Nathan!) :sunglasses:


Hi @ssssarah!! I’m also interested in sharks and dinosaurs and like to crochet! On top of that, i also have a dog named Ellie! She’s a german shepherd though but we do have a lot in common! Here’s some pictures of my girl.