Hello! My name is Jeremy

Hello! New here. We just got our first ball python. He is a male a little over a year old. They told us he is a GStripe. His name is Reggie the Destroyer.


Not a g stripe unfortunately. Do @akmorphs @armiyana @banereptiles @ballornothing any of you guys know what it is?

Either way very nice ball python! Welcome to the community and the hobby! Also that name is amazing :rofl:


Hi and welcome to the community! @logar is a very smart kid! Most genetic stripes have very little side pattern unless paired with very specific and usually expensive genes such as acid for example, most have a distinctly clean pattern. Check some of mine out for an example. Yours looks like a leopard, probably Mojave morph from those pics. Lots of morphs can be striped, but few look like a g-stripe. We would need to see better pics from above, showing the whole body, preferably in natural light because color can give you a hint of the morph as well.


Oh I see. Bummer that they told me wrong. I got him at a local expo with breeders from all over. Here is a better picture. I thought once I started looking online that he was probably not a gstripe. He may not be a morph at all but a basic? We paid $150 for him


He is definitely not a normal. He looks Mojave leopard to me which is a somewhat common combination and has such variation that it is hard to tell. I would say 150 is a fair price but it turns me the wrong way seeing breeders lie for no reason.


Welcome to the forums~
Reggie the Destroyer is still a good looking snake! And a great name

I would have maybe said Mojave Black pastel because the way his eyestripe cuts off and some of the chaining on his sides reminds me more of that.
It’s difficult to say for sure but he is definitely not a normal. Some combos can look a lot like other combos.

The thing with genetic stripe also…it is a recessive gene…so he could maybe be carrying the gene and not showing it as a ‘het genetic stripe’.

I’m sorry the seller had him mislabeled. That’s really frustrating for sure.
That being said… Feel free to post more photos of Reggie the Destroyer or ask questions if anything comes up for care, housing or anything really


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!


Welcome to the forums Jeremy! Going off the first picture I’d say that is a Mojave Leopard :smiley:
Cooler than a Gstripe imho ha-ha


Ok so it’s my turn to say welcome to our forum family! There are tons of talented people here schooled in the art of morph identification! @logar Logan is one of them!

You have a very nice ball python no matter what morph he is, even though the seller mislabeled him. I do hope you are planning to enjoy him as a pet only and not a prospective breeder because there are unfortunately thousands of ball pythons on the market today.

That being said we always love pictures here so if you want to post him in his setup feel free!

Best wishes to you Jeremy and Reggie the Destroyer! :pray::blush:


He is absolutely adorable and a great addition to the family

but I am alarmed that there is someone out there breeding and selling ball pythons that thinks this is a g-stripe


I hope it was a misunderstanding and they ment het g stripe like @armiyana suggested. One can hope anyway, especially from a breeder at an expo!


Leopard mojave would be my guess too. Bel complex animals (mojave, lesser etc) tend to react with leopard to make them striped looking. Either way, RtD is a good looking fella.


So this is my first snake, and I am getting used to watching and listening to Reggie (he is housed in my work office) Every so often he gives a pop or a chuff noise, and has been sleeping alot with head up. Do I take him to the vet? He does not seem to be slobbering or have any snot or anything going on.


We only got him Saturday so he has not even had his first feeding attempt yet.


Not to alarm you in any way but something isn’t right imho. Can you tell if he has any stuck shed on his head or around his mouth?

Also sleeping with his head up sounds strange as well. I discovered that my banana ball had stuck shed on his whole head including his eyes after I got him……

@banereptiles Nathan. @d_y_python @ballornothing

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I don’t see anything stuck to his head. Here is a close up. I think one of the local vets has a reptile doc and there is also a local exotic pet shop I could take him too if necessary.


Well let’s wait and see if anyone else has any suggestions before you take him to a vet. Also I would not take him to the reptile shop if you have access to a good reptile vet. I am not a breeder but I do keep several BPs. And this is why I’m concerned about yours because none of mine have ever exhibited those symptoms.

My banana kept striking at me and I finally realized that he couldn’t see, poor guy, because of the shed. But this doesn’t apply to your guy!


The only thing you should hear is air being expelled and even then it shouldn’t be that audible. If he’s not going into shed and it doesn’t look like he is, a respiratory infection seems likely. The sleeping with the head up is abnormal as well. I would see a vet. Treating RIs is not typically very expensive.


So it appears that this snake was mislabeled and also sick when he was sold at that expo……:thinking:


Thanks so much everyone! I will keep you posted