Help checking ID now its older - I have doubts

The ID help is a massive benefit, thanks to those that previously helped me ID my Bananas
Now they are older i am not sure about 1 of them.
All these 3 were lesser banana pastels but Spot was ID’ed as a super pastel and I get it because of the markings. But why is a super pastel darker than the single pastels.
Just the genetic mix and yes a super pastel or just a pastel with a different pattern?
Original hatchling picture - spot ID’ed as super pastel and he other 2 pastel:-


Older picture 5 months old :-
Spot (alleged super pastel lesser banana)


Older picture 5 months old :-Y (alleged just pastel lesser banana)

Ignoring the pattern and Just going by the heads and overall lightness it seems the pastel and super pastel are the other way round.
I was not pashiant when I first asked and i know older animal pictures are better.
Please help.


No, I agree with you. Looks like spot is just pastel, the other super pastel. It can be hard with bananas, but that Y head is so blushed out it almost looks like a super vanilla head!


Im gonna be a rebel and say I think that spot is a banana butter and the other two are super pastel butter, no banana.

But it was from a super banana male, so all should be banana.
I also got female bananas from him too, so the father must be a super?

Female banana hatchling x 2

In that picture those look banana. In the one with blue background in the original post it didnt. If dad is super, they are banana. Regardless, based on the picture Spot doesn’t look pastel to me. And I have a fair few banana babies in my rack right meow.

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No they are others from the same clutch.

Thats my feeling too, although others told me different. But the other thread where I asked they were newlly hatched babies so hard to identify.

I’m in agreeance. And looking back on the old post I see some said that spot was a pastel butter banana while the other two were super pastel butter banana. So I’m wondering if there was just a mix up when documenting it? Regardless, they’re looking good as they grow!