Help determining morph

Hi everyone, I’m new to the whole thing and figuring out crested gecko morphs is tricky to me. Could anyone tell me what morph my geckos are?
The chunky one is mom, dad is on the scale, and then this is one of their babies.


Welcome to the community @dallino! You are right! Your female is certainly a chonky! Lol! You have some nice looking cresties! Someone else can help you with your morph question. I kinda just serve a part of the welcoming community when I don’t know the answer! Lol!

The little baby is really pretty! I love baby cresties! And we all love pictures btw! :blush:



Mums an extreme harlequin. Dads a dark base harlequin pin dash.

Bab is a lil Harley pin dash! Should become an extreme looking at it :black_heart:


Thank you so much! I appreciate it!


Mum looks like she has tiger in her also


And a spot :joy:


These are all so helpful! Thank you!

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Could someone help me with my babys morph aswell? Ive asked others but got no reply, i think shes a extreme tri-harlequin and partial pin but im not sure As im new to the hobby👋🏻

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Tricolor partial pinstripe


Hello and welcome to the forum! You have a really cute little gecko there! I can’t help you with your morph question but someone should be along to help you shortly! :blush:

Thank you! Are the side patterns regular?:heart:

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that is what tricolor refers to. A tricolor is a harlequin with 3 different colors present on its side

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Oh thank you! I wasnt aware rhey were the same thing, i thought being tri coloured was only referring to the colours and not the morph aswell, thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

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I know she’s a Harley, I know she’s a high % pin, but there’s a lot going on with my girl so I want to make sure I’m labeling her morph right, can someone help with her more specific details?

I think she might be a furry, I know she has Dalmatian spots (hard to tell from the pics but she has quite a few) but I’m not 100% if she’s dal or Dalmatian. I’m not sure if she’s an extreme Harley or just drippy(I hope I’m using that term correctly :sweat_smile:)? This might sound crazy but I have a really hard time telling her color, she gets so pale sometimes I think she’s a lavender but sometimes she so dark I think she might be chocolate and yellow or cream with some olive, like I said, she has a lot going on. Thanks in advance for the help!

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She looks like a tricolor partial pin Dalmatian. It also seems she may be getting FTS so if you want to post a picture of her enclosure, we could help see if anything needs changing

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Besides the stuff you mentioned, she looks likely het empty back :blush: Don’t really see any furry, and not much snowflake/drippy. Extreme harlequins have their pattern almost or fully mesh into the dorsal like these two, so she’s “just” a normal harley. She is dark-based, they come in different flavours so to speak, some of them look more brown, some black, some olive. The pattern on her legs suggests she has some orange pattern, technically making her a tricolour, though she would not be what most people think of as a tri. Also don’t really see anything that would indicate FTS :thinking:

Harley partial pin with dal spots!

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It was one in the morning after waking up early :rofl:. Yeah I don’t even remember commenting this so I have no clue what I was going on about. Don’t know why I said tricolor either.

I can see the tricolour tbh, cause she does have both OP and WP, so the genetics are there, but i feel like there’s a fine line between what can be considered a tricolour morph-wise and trait-wise if that makes sense? :sweat_smile: Like how the tiger morph and the trait isn’t the same?

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I see the slight dip so It’s possible.