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To me, that almost looks like a burn. How is the enclosure heated? If it’s not a burn, it’s definitely a scrape of some sort and looks like it may require a vet visit.
Check floor temps, I agree with Jess, that looks like a burn.
Big agree on that looking like a burn. Don’t be surprised if she starts going immediately into another shed cycle, that’s the immune system trying to get rid of the damaged tissue.
It doesn’t look too bad at the moment but burns are very sneaky and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Often the damaged tissue under the scales can be much worse than the scales let on.
I agree on looking like you need a vet call.
@shiscox Just curious. Do you by chance use a heat rock? More than likely not but I thought I would ask….
I use a heating pad under a plastic bin. The thermostat on the pad is set to 105 which will get the floor temp to 90.
No, a heat pad.
Check that floor temp with an IR thermometer asap. Are you using a thermostat on the mat?
Probably not how you want to use the mat and stat. You want to set the mat for the hottest temp you want to achieve. Depending on your probe placement, you could be spiking well over 110F during the heat up cycle.
I agree with everyone here that this looks like a burn.
90°F surface temp by itself is a bit too warm, you’ll want to aim more for 85-86°F. But considering the burn I think your temps are spiking well above 99°F surface temps…
Set your heat mat thermostat to 86°F, don’t go any higher. You’d be surprised by just how hot heat mats can get on a controlled temp, let alone running on their own. Put the temp probe basically on top of where the heat mat is so you can get the most accurate temperature monitoring.
Edit: Going back and looking at the photos of the burn I’d say you should schedule a vet appointment. It looks a bit significant and if left alone could turn into an infection or worse.
I agree it looks like a burn. I’d soak, put him on paper towels and apply neosporin (the non pain kind) to the areas of concern. Of course getting the temps correct is essential.
Then your temps are way too high. 85, 86 with nothing higher than 88. Tubs heat up a lot better than tanks……