Hi there!
I have clutch from calico pastel enchi & ghi and have interesting Child. Help me ID this baby please. Here his photos,
parents, full cluth
Thanks for any help
Hi there!
I have clutch from calico pastel enchi & ghi and have interesting Child. Help me ID this baby please. Here his photos,
parents, full cluth
Thanks for any help
Welcome to the community! I am not seeing pastel, calico, or Enchi in that snake. I think just a nice ghi. I may be wrong about the Enchi, I just expect more banding and a lot more bands over and around the dorsal. Great looking python!
You right my bad! I think that’s a Enchi calico almost looks like a Enchi pastel calico ghi, but I don’t think it has pastel? Not enough head fading to be just a pastel, calico to me?
Here’s his head
Well there is sugar to but I’m no expert to me looks like sugar. But the enchi could have cleaned it up nicely.