Help ID champagne clutch

Pairing was Orange Dream Champagne Calico Het Ghost x Vanilla Fire (poss pastel and I would like opinions on if its there in anyone). I know everything will be Vanilla or Fire.

My thoughts will be under each photo. I have a hard time seeing calico with champagne. Group photo at the end.

Champagne Vanilla/Fire Orange Dream

Orange Dram Vanilla/Fire poss pastel


Champagne Vanilla/Fire poss calico pastel

Champagne Orange Dream Calico Vanilla/Fire

Champagne Orange Dream Calico Vanilla/Fire

Champagne Vanilla/Fire Calico

Orange Dream Vanilla/Fire poss pastel


Wow this snake is :fire::fire:


It is… can’t see the paradox well in that photo but here is a photo of the paradox


Now I love it more!!

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She/he is definitely a favorite of mine also


Um I just wanted to say, amazing clutch!!


Thank you!

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I also like this one!!

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Can’t comment on morphs, other than the Vanilla/Fire being super pretty!


I think @saleengrinch has the best shot at IDing these guys. Great clutch btw.

  1. Champagne Calico Vanilla/Fire
  2. Orange Dream Fire
  3. Fire
  4. Champagne Fire Calico pos Pastel
  5. Champagne Orange Dream Calico Vanilla/Fire
  6. Champagne Orange Dream Calico Vanilla/Fire
  7. Champagne Calico Vanilla
  8. Orange Dream *Vanilla

I’m not positive on these and I mainly used your thoughts to go off of and used the marketplace to change the combinations in addition to some (limited) knowledge I have. However, I think the guesses above are mostly accurate. Either way your clutch is absolutely stunning! :heart_eyes:



number 8 has to have vanilla or fire also


1 champagne vanilla/fire
2 orange dream vanilla/fire
3 vanilla/fire
4 champagne fire/vanilla calicos
5 champagne orange dream fire/vanilla
6 champagne orange dream fire/vanilla calico
7 champagne fire/vanilla
8 orange dream fire/vanilla

Calico is extremely tough to identify in champagne imo. @ashleyraeanne I appreciate the vote of confidence! Super nice clutch a smoke show for real! Number 4 has my vote for pick of the clutch. Love the paradoxing


The paradox is male!


Boooo!!! That happens to me every time! I hatched a mimosa one time that was like orange for real orange. Covered in ringers and yep male lol

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I’m sure he will still find a home pretty quick. I didn’t want to keep most of the clutch anyway… What ever I do keep will have OD


@saleengrinch apparently mom might be het hypo… do you see any mimosas?

That second baby is very hypo looking now.

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I’m confused from the original clutch pictures? Because the new pictures aren’t champagne?!??!:thinking::upside_down_face:

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Oh sorry… That is the baby that is very hypo looking… let me see if I have a few updated photos of the champagnes… unfortunately I already sold a one of them. I wanted to contact the new owners if you thought any of the champagnes from the clutch photo might be hypo as well.

This is the one I sold

These are the 4 still in my possession


I would say you have hypo in the mix. On champagne if they have a ringer the black around the ringers will end looking very hazy. Also the orangish and purplish tones will be more pronounced. Wish I could see them in person Iol the 3 one I don’t think is hypo for sure, 4 definitely is, the other two I’m iffy on.

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