Help ID! Thanks!

Hey guys! I have a gorgeous female boa that i got so many years ago that was sold to me as a Hypo double Het Snow Khal, and i paired her to a smaller male which I bought as a Hypo Het Snow Vpi, possible jungle Possible Pink Panther.
I had buy a Moonglow to prove the female but sadley he passed away and I didn´t wanna go through life without babies so I ppairedared them Last year and had beautiful babies 2 months ago.
I was expecting to get just hypos, super hypos and ghosts or anheries, but to my surprise I got insted some gorgeous looking Hypo Jungles. When they were born I saw amazing patterns that to my understanding was not just only Hypos, and looked pretty much as jungles. A lot of the babies were born with a beautiful color and nice contrast, defineley apparently the male proved to be Pink Panther (Which I didnt know until I read Warren Booths post and Chris S posts that it is quite a nice and separate gene. Is Pink Panther a Hypo gene?.
Either way Jungle gene had to come from somewhere! And I just dont quite see the jungle in either parent; apparently some buddies in the boa world in México confirm that the female has the jungle but I wanted to know your opinion on this.
This is Pecas the female

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The second one is the Male!
The babies are i this link!
Babies under tabs
Posting my favorite ones

I know they look super gray cuz of the photo but they have beautiful contrast, ill take better photos tomorrow. 6 out of 18 beautiful babies!