Help identify some of my hatchlings please?

Can some one help id some of these snakes. I had an ac issue in my snake room and had some babies come out with no eyes and some shark mouth. All snakes are bought off craigslist so could have something hidden.
SIRE(s): banana(pos calico) & ivory leopard (i think might have orange dream)
First pics are the parents.


Very pretty babies! I love 5 & 6! :+1::blush::snake:

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Definitely seeing something else in the banana, but I’m not seeing calico. Reminds me of a banana butter pastel but almost certain it’s not that, either way that’s a banana combo but not calico and probably has 1-3 other genes hidden in there and I would not recommend allowing him to sire any other clutches until you find out those genetics since A. If you need to sell the hatchlings or generally ID them like here you won’t have exactly what you need B. Whatever genetics he has could play a part in the deformities since some combos can cause problems with champagne, mainly the spider complex but I’ve always had local breeders complain about genes even like black head or lesser being bred with champagne C. because you don’t know what genetic problems are causing the deformities I’d just rule out breeding anybody you bred until you find out who the problem is, is it ethical to breed babies with a different dame or site if the babies won’t be affected but could still pass on troubling genetics to their children, is it ethical at all to breed an animal to possibly produce any babies that have issues

Hope that helps aside from pointing out the obvious lol, since there’s clearly some hidden genetics in your banana I can’t give positive IDs along with the fact I can’t tell because of that if this is a dual sired clutch or not, I think it is since I think 5 is a champagne YB with 6 being a champagne leopard or champagne YB leopard. But in numbered order here’s my best guess (minus any other genes that could be at play with one of the sires that we don’t know about)

  1. looks like a YB or normal
  2. Banana, might have mystery morph at play
  3. Champ with mystery gene at play
  4. Banana champ definitely with mystery gene
  5. Champ YB or maybe just champ
  6. Champ leopard YB, Champ leopard, or Champ with mystery gene

Four is an absolute beaut in my opinion, too bad he’s missing an eye, good luck accommodating for the little guys that are having problems


I say he proved out calico. It was sold to me as a banana calico but the dad has very little calico markers. I think for sure the ivory has orange dream in it though. This is my first clutch ever and i had temp problems as the ac in the house went out and it rose up to 91. And for how long idk i was at work. But i definetly want to see all of these after a few sheds

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This animal does not have Calico

Also no Butter or Pastel

It is just a straight Banana

And this animal does not have Leopard in it, it is just a regular Ivory
I would say that the Banana was the only sire as I am not seeing anything that would make me think the Ivory contributed


I also do not see calico present in the banana dad pictured, just banana. It’s not uncommon for single gene banana to have some different patterning going on along the sides. And the color matches what you’d expect from a single gene banana.


What about the white going up the sides of baby #2 ?
He was really pink along the base where he now has white thats why i said he proved.

I actually thought the ivory might have an extra gene floating around like either enchi or od

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There is a lot of normal variation in morphs. It’s pretty common for bananas to have flaming like that as hatchlings that goes away as they age.


That white is very different from the white you see in Calico. And, as Nathan noted, there is a lot of variability in morphs and that particular look is very common to Banana


Okay so what about this one this is from the same clutch. For some reason i forgot to put him in here. He is what i thought to be a yb leo champagne. Thanks for taking the time btw. I appreciate the knowledge. i do think he is leo because i have another clutch coming out of the egg rightnow with the same sires but to a lemon blast. And im pretty positive he is. But i might be wrong again lol


Wow! He is sooooooo cool :sunglasses: looking! Someone else will answer your question but I say he is just way too COOL! Congratulations! :+1:


Also just a single gene Champ. Champs have a hugely pleomorphic range of phenotypes, this one just happens to be one of the “busier” looks within that range

Ivory Leos, even as adults, have a HUGE amount of dark colouration and obvious patterning to them:

Compared to your animal, which does not:


Interesting! I knew the champagne had alot of different looks but that looked too crazy. Glad i asked. These are the ivorys babies bred to a lemonblast do you see leo in them ? Maybe?


Bad pics but they just came out of the egg this week


Interesting… Some of these do look like they might have Leo… Very odd… :thinking:

Pics of the female?


I dont believe she has any other genes but pastel pin.


This is the male when he was smaller i bought him with a super banana