Help Identifying Morphs

Hey everyone! Fairly new to Cresties but not reptiles in general. I have two that I need some help identifying morphs on. I’ve tried to read all the different stuff and there’s so many conflicting things online I figured I’d ask here. My yellow one is a Male approx 1 year old and the white one is a Female approx 6 years old.


The female looks like a faded tricolour partial pinstripe with partial quadstriping as well.
The male also looks like a tricolour, but with almost full pinstriping, portholes rather than quadding, and possibly het emptyback and tangerine :thinking:


Anymore of the female fired?
Looks like a Harley partial pin there but fired pics will help.

Male is a Harley partial pin, all side dots are portholes, looking lavender as well x


I’ll grab some more pics of her next time I’m handling her. Thanks everyone for the help!

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I agree both look like partial pin, harlequins. But yes, fired up pics will help say for sure.

Make Def looks like he might be lavender too

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Here’s some more pics of Fergie!


I really like her dorsal pattern

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