Hi,so I have a baby leopard gecko whom I’ve named nugget sweetest little baby! They were marked as a fancy but I have no idea what kind of morph they actually are ,….can anybody help?
Looks like you have a cute little hypo albino.
The three lines of albino are incompatible and can’t reliably be told apart.
That looks like a pretty sweet setup for that little one too! Congrats on the little one.
I’m obsessed with nugget lol and i try so hard not to let my bearded dragon sunny see me swoon over little nugget because my sunbun is my very first reptile I’ve had him almost 3 years and he is my very very best friend!! But when he brumates ……the pain that is felt and the emptiness cause he isn’t awake to greet me with his precious face ……we ended up at pet smart to get crickets for the bun ……I saw nugget he saw in sale for 18$ for reward members….well I’m not a member but my mom is……I thought he was the only one in there I didn’t see any of the other babies lol my husband however did and he tried to tell me but I wasn’t having it lol well I walked away ……long story short ……nugget now is our newest member …. I’m actually trying to find people that know about Leo’s and their husbandry I contacted Arcadia reptile on fb earlier and they said I need to make some adjustments but they didn’t say what needed adjusting ……so I’m lowkey panicking on the inside I don’t want to do anything to cause this baby any harm ……basking is 75 watt hologen Arcadia uvb is 7% 8 watt Arcadia shade dweller but I’ve also been dusting nuggs crickets with d3 calcium ……should I be doing calcium without d3 since I’m using uvb? I’m sorry for all the questions …… I just want my babies to have the best of the best and I want them happy and safe and most of all to feel happy and safe ….also thank you one main thing that did seem to stand out in research was Leo’s seem to like clutter they don’t like feeling exposed especially when their nuggets size and age so I wanted to add as much that would possible fit and look nice and feel homey I have Scott’s for soil because it doesn’t have fertilizer and then I have play sand but I’m waiting to finish out the month monitoring nuggets bathroom usage which seems to be great actually ….also I’m not a fan of the 40 gallon for Leo’s I actually really like the zen habitats 4x2x16 I think it’s perfect it has the floor space they need and it’s the right height so they can use the entire tank because they are active at night these dude will climb and venture all over the place lol
You don’t have to give a D3 supplement with the calcium since you’re using UVB. Nugget can produce D3 on his own now! Arcadia has some great all-natural supplements for leopard geckos which I highly recommend (CalciumProMG, EarthPro-A).
And don’t worry about asking “too many” questions, it’s the only way to learn and we’re happy to help
I had to bookmark that. So I have 1 video of nugs on the hunt which is one of the cutest things I’ve ever witnessed and I have pictures of the setup …. Would it be ok if y’all or anybody that wants to add any information feel free to do so -but would it be alright if yall could tell me how the setup is? I’m a bit confused on the lights cause it’s different that what Sunny’s is I was told nuggets needs to be like one patch of light ? And these diagrams confuse my adhd brain
You need three main areas: the hot side, the cool side, and the middle area.
The hot end is where their heat and UVB should be. I use Arcadia’s deep heat projector (DHP). Underneath I have some slate for my leo to lay on and absorb the heat. This area should be 89-95F. It’s important to have the UVB on the same side as the heat, because together the UVB and the heat are acting as the sun.
His light doesn’t just have to be in one patch. As long as you have lots of hiding places the light can fill the whole enclosure. However, no light at night, even red light! It has been proven the leopard geckos can see the brightness of red light.
The cool side is on the other side of the enclosure, generally 75-80F. Sometimes mine gets a little cooler than that. It’s important to have these different sides because leopard geckos are cold-blooded. In order to regulate their body temperature, they have to move somewhere that is either hotter or colder. This keeps them from overheating or becoming too cold.
Finally, the middle area. This is just the middle of the enclosure, between the hot and cool sides. This is where the humid hide usually is (the humid hide is used when they are shedding. The humidity makes the skin easier to shed). You can put some damp paper towels or sphagnum moss in there when Nugget is ready to shed. When Nugget looks grayish-white, he will be very close to shedding.
Speaking of shed, Nugget has a large piece stuck to his back. Has it come off yet?
I hope that helps!
So it hasn’t come off yet and he also has this teeny piece on the side of his face but like with beardies I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to help ….am I? Leo’s skin are so ….thin I don’t wanna hurt nugget. He does use that humid hide he actually spends all day in that hide and it’s worked amazingly other than those two pieces I just changed the moss I think either yesterday or the day before yesterday and I did the light soak in water and drained the moss and then I added it to the humid hide I also made sure to get as much of the chunks of moss undone and stuff as to avoid impaction ….i know with crested geckos they get like a nice sauna to help remove stuck shed and to renew the sticky on their feet’s so I wasn’t sure if it was the same kinda deal with Leo’s….nuggets got all 3 sides he has a hide in the basking area and the humid hide I tried to get it as perfectly in the middle as possible so the humidity could do its thing and of course I had to get nugget one of those hide things that all the pet stores have in the gecko tanks ….had to have one lol and he seems to like it and I have it facing the wall so it actually acts as it’s supposed to next
To that we have a cork flat and behind the flat we have a small black out container but it’s a reptile container for the back of his cool side and the rest of his cool side is all wood pieces and some decor,I promise I did do some research once he was brought home ….he was a surprise from my husband for the holiday but I had been kinda peeking online
About Leo’s for a month or so ….im just
Nervous he’s a new baby and I’m new to him ….its a bit intimidating ….but also exciting lol - update husband just said all shed is gone except for right where his tail meets with his back so that’s awesome!
Hahaha sorry didn’t realize I added a random picture of my sunbun lmao
Oh good, I’m glad the shed came off! It probably happened because of poor conditions in the pet store, but if it happens again, here is a good video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj5X48ER9CA
Sunbun is a cutie
Thank you he’s a bit dirty at the moment this weekend is bath time. Does nuggets setup look ok?
Yes, it’s a very good setup for a baby leo. There’s good clutter and nothing sharp. You can change out the paper towels as they get dirty.
When Nugget gets older (about 6 months old) you can change some things up. I think you said above that you’re getting bigger enclosure and loose substrate, so you can move him into the new enclosure when he’s about 6 months old. When leos are this young I want them to find their heat easily. He looks to be 2-3 months old, so I’d say wait 3 months before moving him into the bigger enclosure.
Nugget’s such a cute name by the way!
@rmccuen93 Welcome! You have come to the right place for information/advice/questions! There is no judging!
Both Nugget and Sunburn are lucky little cuties!
Thank you! I love them both very very much! Sunbun changed my life when he came into my life …. I know love truly exists because of him
Please excuse his dirty nose,I’m actually trying to figure out what morph Sunny is
Right now nugget is in a 40 gallon,originally they were in a 20 long it was the starter kit it was the looked bigger than it actually was kinda deal …so I finally found a 40 gallon front opening until I have the funds to get the zen habitats enclosure I’m wanting to get for nugget it’s the 4x2x16 but I wasn’t sure if that was a tall enough tank for their forever home
Awwww! What a great picture of the both of you! Go to the CB side and post his picture and someone there will help you. Just click on the red circle eight at the top of this page!
Thank you:heart:
Hiiii I’m back again lol so my husband has a crestie named dart (Dartanian) totally spelled wrong but who cares lol sooooooo I had to use a backup soil ……that soil molded ……it was removed IMMEDIATLY the entire tank was cleaned the decor all of it ……right now she just has paper towels down until I can order her leaf litter and substrate later after work today ……what’s the best substrate for a crestie? I had the bag but we seperated it into dated bags and now I can’t think of the brand or the name of the substrate ……haaaaaalp please
Heyyy,I have a question for all Leo peoples and all crestie peoples that know about cresties : is coco fiber safe ? Can we use it for dart my husbands crestie? Ordered her some oak and magnolias leaf litter a gallon of each they’ll be here on the 9th I know magnolia aren’t exactly from their region (are they???) but their big and if she does eat some it’s digestable?
The coco fiber being digestable not the magnolias leaf lol