Both about 5 years old but we’re unsure about their morphs and wanting to breed.
The second one is in a temporary enclosure as she got scale rot.
At a glance you have a banana and a normal. These photos aren’t really the best to ID from and without any history there’s really not much more that can be suggested.
The color on the banana and having less spots could mean there’s something else there…or it’s just a nice banana.
The normal has some neat pattern, but really nothing standing out enough to say it’s a morph to me.
I wouldn’t recommend breeding them because of lack of information and how common of a gene banana is. Especially if you’re in the US, which has an oversaturated market for BPs. You’ll produce a clutch of common morphs of banana and normals…and may struggle to find homes for them. A normal is only worth around $5-7.50 to a pet store if you consider selling to one.
Also have a vet available for any health issues that come up for the adults like prolapses or eggbinding. Or in case of incubation issues or trouble with the hatchlings who can also prolapse or have issues like hard belly.
The other reason being you should really be able to ID common morphs like this and know what you have before anything else. For example, banana is considered a sex linked trait. You should know how that works before breeding.
It’s a lot more involved than just putting two snakes together.
I can’t add anything pertinent to what has already been expressed by @armiyana but I certainly agree her that the pair you have should not be bred. The scale rot should be dealt with, which you are doing evidently. After that the two should be housed separately and enjoyed as beloved pets……
Thank you both, yeah I was mainly asking for the person who owns them but we won’t be breeding them anyway. The female had a seizure and we definitely don’t want to pass that along (we suspect she might have some sort of spider in her )
The second is the female? That snake does not have the spider morph.
If she has ‘scale rot’ and has a seizure, that can be a sign of sepsis or some other sort of medical issue. If she hasn’t already been to a vet now is definitely recommended