Please help me. Mom is albino. Dad is fire enchie butter pastel clown.
We have no idea.
Was it only these two?
They will both be double het albino and clown.
Ideally, you want them to have their first shed and take better pictures of them in good lighting. Fire can be very subtle and hard to see in unshed hatchlings and sometimes takes a couple sheds.
The lower one looks to be something. But again… They haven’t shed yet.
As an aside…I would definitely look more into the genetics and how to ID them before trying to breed any further snakes.
Luckily, none of these genes are problematic with each other.
I’m no expert, but I do not think dad has butter in him. The color is way too brown. I’d expect him to look more like this.
I was actually second guessing myself on that being Mojave, but went with what the parents were listed as since they’re still fresh from the egg.
Clown can really mess with the usual colors and I don’t work with it so great to have a second opinion on that too.
This is not even a guess, the animal pictured is NOT a Butter. Further, I very much doubt it is Pastel either.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions!
I don’t know if it’s just me but the father looks like a fire enchi clown. I don’t really see any pastel and definitely not butter.
With that being said all babies are at least double het albino clown.
I feel like the one on top could be fire enchi and the one on bottom fire maybe.
Again now with that being said, I don’t really know because that male is definitely not an enchi firefly butter clown so now I don’t know if there are not only missing genes but possibly added genes that we don’t know about. Neither are normals but impo fire usually isn’t that prominent in a baby. I suppose enchi could be the result in the top one being so orange. But then when I look at your male he doesn’t really have much orange at all and then that top baby doesn’t really look enchi to me either but one of those babies has to be unless there is something else at play here.
Editing this: Honestly I’m stumped. That bottom one is definitely something. I actually just purchased a mojave firefly het clown that looks freakishly similar to it. I am going to go with that orange being because they haven’t shed yet and are too fresh from the egg. Is it possible that albino is an albino mojave because you don’t really see mojave in albinos and she has a teeny tiny bit of blushing on her sides.
With that, pastel might actually be in play here depending on how light that bottom babies patterning gets. Top one I’m pretty sure is enchi and sometimes enchi can get bright but maybe after a shed that orange will yellow up and show some pastel. However fire enchi and pastel enchi actually look really similar so that’s hard to tell.
Rethinking that bottom one because I don’t see any mojave blushing on the sides.
Take more pics in different lighting of the parents and babies after the babies shed once or twice.
The father doesn’t really like butter, as those are typically a bit brighter (as @nswilkerson1 Said). Fire can be tricky to see before the hatchlings have a few sheds, so I’m agreeing with @armiyana , they look like double het albino clowns.
I agree except there has to be some patterning gene in both of them. The patterns on the top one are not normal, probably enchi. And the bottom one has a nice stripe which seems to be the result of multiple visual genes within a snake. I’m not entirely sure what it is, maybe het clown is messing with fire a little bit to cause it. But neither look like just double hets.
Double hets often will brighten the snakes by a decent amount and give them a wonky pattern. I am not personally seeing enchi in the top baby but is 11 at night and I am super tired so not a great time for me to say anything
I agree. I did write that the patterning isn’t exactly Enchi impo in my original post. However something is going on because both snakes are wildly different in patterning and enchi is the only major pattern inducing gene in this pair that isn’t a het. So I’m really just stumped lol