Help identifying

Raliegh is several hrs from where we are located. There is a reptile show in raliegh at the fairgrounds in march you could bring it and ask one of the vendor if they would be willing to sex it for you. If you don’t mind waiting that long.


Damn, I always forget how big American states can be. Texas is 5x bigger than England :sweat_smile:… It was worth a shot.


Wow, then Florida must be at least 2 times bigger. It takes almost 7 hours to get from the keys to gorgia/Florida border, maybe more. Darn! That is very small, and it is still so pretty, well… Learn something new everyday :upside_down_face:

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Well I can’t really help but, you could give me what the snakes price is so I can go on mm marketplace go in bp s (ball pythons) type the price and look at snakes at that price but I’m not smart.

I am going to say Banana Cinny. It is more then likely not female because of how the banana gene works.


Petsmart’s bananas are INSANELY overpriced. At my store, they’re $350, but I know some other places are different. So the price isn’t going to help you here


Okay I can’t help now.

A banana cinnamon, I had one in my collection a while back and she looked quite like that, not mojave.

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