Help identifying

I bought this girl from petsmart and wanted to see what you guys think, it was listed as a normal banana. What do you guys think. I am new to snakes and trying to learn.


Anymore pics, full body.
From those I’d say banana Mojave, defo female? :relaxed:


Thank you! I will put some more pics here in a few. I thought it might be something other than banana but I’m new to this and still trying to figure out there genes lol.

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Yeah I need to learn how to sex too. It was sold to me as a female.

Take a picture with it laid out something like this and we can be more helpful.


Hopefully this picture is more helpful.


I’d say, banana mojave, or maybe a banana cinny? (cinnamon) I haven’t seen one for a while but I believe that is what they look like? She is very pretty, female for sure. :stuck_out_tongue:


How can you tell the sex other than probing?


I’m going with Banana Cinnamon on this one.

I believe Twinkle was just making a joke about it being a female because its pretty :blush:

You can pop or probe, both of which I would recommend being shown how to do by someone face to face.

There is also the belief that females have a larger lower jaw than males but that’s a very iffy stat to go off for many factors.


I’m with Thomas on the Banana Cinnamon ID. I make a lot of banana mojave stuff. The saddles/alien heads are too smooshed together for me to think Mojave.


Haha I just got it! Wow, I’m a newb if you can’t tell. Thank y’all for the input. I’m hoping to eventually breed, I’ve also got a super pastel het pied and a chocolate on the way!

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So Petsmart doesn’t know what sex the snakes are because the supplier doesn’t tell the stores that information. They only tell them what to sell them as (In this case banana even though the animal isn’t just banana). The only way they’d know what sex the snakes are is if an employee knows how to sex them


Banana Mojave or Banana Cinnamon but too hard to tell which. You’d find out if you bred it to a Mojave because you’d have a decent chance of getting BEL’s if it’s Mojave. Take my input with a grain of salt though because I’m pretty new to all this.

Yeah that makes sense, I usually don’t buy animals from petsmart but saw hopefully her and couldn’t resist. That’s my plans, I’m hoping to breed once she gets to 1500 grams. Thanks for the advice.

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Not to burst your bubble, you keep using the pronoun her, but there is a super slim chance that’s a female. The majority of all banana/coral glows are male. Females typically command a higher price so aren’t likely to find their way to a wholesale bin that ends up at a pet store. No one throws hundred dollar bills in the garbage :man_shrugging:


That makes sense, I appreciate the advise. Like I said I’m new to this so your feedback helps.

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My suggestion would be to find a local reptile shop or breeder who’s willing to pop or probe it for you. With young ball pythons I’m usually more confident in the sex when I’ve popped them, since hemipenes are usually very obvious in young males. There are some rare but notable exceptions. I have a male VPI Snow that really takes a pro to identify, which is why he’s still available :joy:

Let me know where you’re located and perhaps someone in my network or on here can help.

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Yeah I’ve been watching YouTube on how to probe but I’m nervous to do it. I live in Raleigh NC


The closest I’ve got for you is Jacksonville :joy:

Reach out to jamnsnakes on IG, John might be able to point you towards a local breeder that can help.

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My first thought here is that @wreckroomsnakes is in Monroe, NC. It may be worth asking Mary or Grant if you could take a visit to their facility and have them show you. Or maybe they know someone closer to you that could help??

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