Help identifying

My son got this guy from PetSmart, they had him listed as a fancy gecko. We have had him one month and he has shedded during that time. He is very shy unless it’s very dark out so it’s been tricky to get good photos.


That is a gorgeous leopard gecko!
I wasn’t so sure from the first two photos, but the color on the other has me pretty sure that they are an albino jungle stripe. They also seem to have some very nice high yellow to them

High yellow and jungle stripe are line bred traits.
Albino is recessive, but there are three different strains and it’s not possible to ID them by eye, so I don’t recommend breeding because of it and the rest of the lineage being unknown.


The color is more of an orange/tangerine. The photos make it look a bit more yellow. We won’t be breeding him at all. Just a loved pet :lizard: