Not sure what this one is. Any ideas? Sugar pastel x granite (codom) Mojave. Thanks!
Do you have any info on the parents or suspected parents? It does look like it may have some calico/sugar in there, may also have some blue eyed luecistic type morph, maybe Mojave with sugar yellow belly, or perhaps a Mojave shrapnel or something along those lines? It looks more like a mystic/phantom type to me with the colors, but with added morphs it could be a lot of things. Any other info you have would be beneficial to everyone trying to help out. Pretty snake though!
The father I purchased from a reptile expo and all the info I got on him was sugar pastel. Mom I was told was granite Mojave, but she was more pale than most pics I have seen of granite Mojaves.
Thanks for your help! I attached clutchmate pics in case that helps.
That helps a lot! So look on MM at Mojave with shredder nanny shrapnel type stuff. I call these and a few more super granite morphs. Because of there extreme patterns and there is also a super form. If you look at any of these type with the Mojave the reaction to the pattern gets pretty much exactly like what you have! I couldn’t say for sure which of these “super granite” morphs yours is. I would lean towards, nanny or shredder but like I said there are a few more that can give you this type of look.
Also I do think something else is in there possibly sugar/calico maybe yellow belly.
Soooo….let me throw in that mom granite Mojave was put in with a six gene male last fall but I never saw a lock and thought he was too young. He is fire, spider, orange dream, yellow belly, pinstripe, super pastel. Do you think she retained sperm?
I am not seeing fire, orange dream, pin or spider in anything so I would say no. What I see for sure are Mojave, some granite type genetic morph, and pastel. What may be in the mix is sugar/calico and yb. That’s just my opinion, though somebody may see something else I may have missed. With so many ball python morphs and genetics in general it is hard to say with 100% certainty, I am just going on experience and educated guessing.
Well seeing as this is my first year going at it and this is my first clutch I am going to go with your opinion! I had an idea of it being a Mojave granite sugar, which is what I wrote on its card, but I just wasn’t sure at all. The alien heads being so convoluted was throwing me. I really appreciate your input! Thanks a bunch!