Help me identify my new baby gecko

A lot of the crested gecko ones are still wrong and not been changed yet…


One of the best looking geckos I’ve ever seen. Such a dream.
Yeah, he’s a good example of bicolour.


Bi-colour is more similar to a phantom if that helps?

A lot are wrong on morphpedia, we have been trying to get them corrected, but it’s a slow process

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Patternless, phantom etc… all related :smirk:

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Tbh, I think all morphs, traits & patterns need to be looked at once we understand the genetics a little more.

Would be nice to have a clear and consistent guide

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Yeah, they are all the same gene, different expressions each with its own name. Patternless, bicolour, phantom.

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And that’s why when mixing you get them all out.
Also wild type! I keep looking at them, a friend has one, so so so would love one here… May be able to borrow him though! :grin:

Phantoms are the fav, Naruto is going to penny, hoping for some more phantom quads and lillies :smiling_face_with_tear: