Kai Started to go in to blue about 4 days ago, and I nocied that when I was bathing him that there is a lack of pigment when he is shedding.
I am pretty sure pale pigment is normal for any snake in shed.
it is very drastic color then what I am used to seeing
He is a hypo if that helps
It could very well be that he is just growing and is fading due to him growing. Some ball pythons tend to fade like this and its completely normal
thank you @nathan_e
I’m going to tag @westridge and @thebeardedherper just to be sure.
Yep. Doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion. Have you noticed this at all as well in your boas during any point that you’ve had them? I feel like you would notice it more if they did change color since you had yours since they were small.
All looks perfectly normal to me. Looks like patches of dead skin coming off. As for light spots it happens. Their patterns can change some as they age
I have but not in such large patches like above so I thought I’d double check.
Also, sometime just before they shed I see ever so slight “new” markings underneath that seem to disappear with the shed.
thank you everyone I will post a pic of him when he is done shedding.
i Notice my hog islands scales doing this when they change color from day to night and before a shed as well i don’t think it’s anything to worry about