Hey guys, the blind guy here and I’m having trouble picking which ones I’m holding on too.
I think I know the ones I’d like, but I’m only going off sex or personality.
I didn’t get the combos I expected, so this is why I’m having more trouble than I expected. lol
Think there are 4 of the same combo to choose from.
If you don’t mind, could you describe the animals you’d hold, and tell me why you picked it.
There they are, should I hold any of them back?
Thanks for any help guys!
What was the pairing? If I was going to hold back any of these Id consider 14, the lighter tail coloration is the main reason.
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Without knowing anything about them, 1 & 14 stand out to me. Mostly just do to the coloration.
Thanks guys.
Pairing was an IMG Hypo het Anery pos het albino (Who apparently proved super hypo), to a anery motley pos het albino.
No albino babies, so not sure if 1 or both didn’t prove.
I was wanting IMG anery motleys, but the super hypo threw that all out of wack. lol