Hi, I can use your help to id this ball python morph please. The person I got him from was told he’s pastel, but looks like there’s more going on, maybe spotnose, thanks.
Definitely no spotnose there for sure. Maybe fire gene is present better pictures would help. I’m thinking just pastel though based on these pictures.
That head blushing says super pastel but I would expect the overall body to be different for super … can you do a photo of the snake just on a surface so the whole body can be seen?
The color is way off to be super pastel imo a fire complex gene would explain the dusty head.
I feel like the pattern on the body isn’t right for a fire gene though… usually it makes the pattern pretty wonkey.
I agree that’s why going by these pictures I’m saying single gene pastel. If it is super it’s super browned out.
Thanks for the replies, I’ll get some pics tonight or tomorrow, he’s at my buddy’s house. I tried for fully body pics but the colors were off or blurry…he wouldn’t listen to sit or stay…lol
I was thinking with the head blushing and over colors there’s something going on, I’ll post better pics as soon as I get them.
That headstamp looks like a pretty standard enchi firefly headstamp. I would expect a little more banding with an Enchi firefly, but there could be something else at play, or low expression of those genes.
It’s hard to know what’s going on especially seeing the person I picked him up from got him at a pet shop with no records. I’ll get my buddy to take pics, my phone isn’t showing his true colors.
There is definitely not enchi in that snake.
I’ll check back again for pics later. Low expression enchi is definitely possible in this snake - there are multiple markers (coloring down the sides of alien heads, thick eye stripes, classic firefly Enchi headstamp) but I would normally expect to see more banding in a firefly enchi - could be another fire complex gene as well. It’s definitely more than single gene pastel. Hopefully your pics later will give us a better idea.
The headstamp looks SO much like leopard to me, but the rest of the body does not. I’ve seen some super low expression leopards that almost look like normals, but I’m not sure if that’s the case here.
Head stamp isn’t a very reliable way to identify snakes a lot of morphs have head stamps as do a lot of normals. The pattern is way off to be either enchi or leopard imo.
Looks like firefly to me but I’m no expert.
No worries, I’m not either, lol
I posted more pics, what do you think?
That looks like a firefly to me.
There is for sure no pattern disruptor so I would say no on enchi, leopard, or spotnose. It maybe a firefly but if it is it’s very browned out and not a very good example imo. I would say pastel or a browned out firefly but I myself am honestly leaning towards single gene pastel.