Help to Identify Yellow Belly Gene in Hatchlings

Thanks so much, I also love the reduced pattern.
The male I used, had 3 clutches and he only threw out two of the ones with the reduced pattern.

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As you should be! You produced some very nice animals!! Keep up the good work!!!

Thanks so much. To be dead honest, I did so much research and preperation, that everything went without a hitch. Only have the one hatchling that was born at 23 grams and she seems to be doing great.
I am super happy that I did as much research as I did, and being prepared was such a great help.
100% Hatch rate out of my own incubator (lots of help from breeders on this site)
All healthy hatchlings, what more can I ask for.

I dedicate my 2020 Breeding Season to Morph Market and everyone who stood by me with advice and knowledge. Thank you :ok_hand::clap::ok_hand::clap: