Hi Morphmarket forum, I have a request for some of you! In the interest of promoting and preserving the hobby in Canada, we require direct evidence of the good that this community does for specialized pets like reptiles and amphibians.
To give you a little background info, I’m involved with certain advocacy groups whose goal is to prevent and eliminate discriminatory legislation against specialty pets in Canada. Unfortunately we’ve been on the defensive as of late, and don’t quite have a USARK equivalent. Part of the work that needs to be done is to have direct evidence of the positive aspects of the hobby.
So, what we are looking for is this: scientific papers and pictures of the successful preservation of endangered species in captivity, as well as evidence of increased lifespan, reduced stress, and general wellbeing in captivity. Any scientific articles would be golden for our argumentation, as well as anything that disproves common myths or fears about the hobby (such as invasiveness of exotics, or pets being disease vectors). These don’t have to be completed papers either, really any data would help greatly!
When it comes to advocacy on the municipal, provincial or federal level, concrete evidence on our side is one of our greatest weapons. I’m sure any of the info we collect would be of equal value to our US and international family as well.