Help with ID on a pied baby?

Hey guys, I’ve literally been MIA off these forums for like 2 years I’m about to try to get active again apologies! But need some expert help on this one!
Pairing was Enchi Od Pied to Cinny het Pied

Cinny Enchi Pied?
OD Cinny Pied?
Cinny Enchi OD all 3?


I would say od cinnamon pied because enchi would bring back a lot more pattern causing it to be much lower with t
Which is not the case here

Enchi Cinnamon Pieds on MM have LESS pattern than this one from all my looking up combos which is what is throwing me off. Otherwise I see your logic.

I can definitely see cinnamon, but given the amount of pattern, I’m inclined to believe that you have something else in there as well. Not sure if it’s enchi, od, or both. Do you have any other pieds in the same clutch for comparison?

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Nope it was a first time female and she was only her so I hit a Cinny Enchi het pied, a normal het pied and an od het pied. That’s the only visual baby. :woman_facepalming:t2:
It’s Cinny something but idk which other somethings haha

Beautiful little noodle :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@saleengrinch @osbornereptiles @t_h_wyman

Any thoughts?

I would say cinny od pied personally but I’m not super good with pied combos if I’m being honest lol

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I am inclined to say Pied Cinny OD as well. I would think that if Enchi were present the animal would show higher pattern. That said, I am not sure how exactly the allelic behaviour of Cinny and Enchi would influence the low versus high patterning effect in Pied so…


Well, it still helps because I think I’m gonna say Cinny OD pied possible Enchi if anything!